Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
Epistle | the post
Archive | library
Credits | you have my thanks
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I miss the time when we had a sandwich griller and made ham and cheese sandwiches with it every Sunday. That was yummy. Like, really really yummy, because the edges were crispy and when you bit through it the cheese came spilling out. I know- so graphical, but so darn yummy. Sadly, the griller broke down and Mom never bought another one. Good times, good times. Anyway. Geog was h*37sh784#^s. But I'm sure I'll pass. At least pass. PASS PASS PASS. And I really want to bake bake bake! First I need turbinado sugar, molasses, vanilla beans and more sugar. Oh, and whole wheat flour and MORE PEANUT BUTTER. (Mina keeps eating mine! >:S)
!2:38 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Salty+Semi-Sour= Sweet??
I don't know why, but my pineapple always tastes nicer with salt. Like seriously. Unless the pinapple is like the one Mom bought last week (yum yum) then it's okay. But anyway. Jasmine and I went to Parkway after school (Me: Popular to buy more cards and stupid Chengyu book that mysteriously disappeared*, Her: Buy food) and I walked shitloads. I kept checking my phone in Parkway cos usually Mommy will sms and offer to fetch me! And the SMS did come! BUT WAY TOO LATE. I was already at TK when she SMSed me. God it was f'ing hot. YES YES YES. It's going to rain on Wednesday. I'd rather it tomorrow, but then, at least it's going to rain. I want to bake. Mommy bought all these baking pans yesterday, and I'm freaking tempted! I want to bake peanut butter cookies with peanut butter filling. Call me crazy, but peanut butter is like my one true love.
!8:29 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Auntie said I look very sad today. I think I am. Exam stress. Can't get anything in my head. What the fuck is wrong with my internet!
!8:10 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Yum yum
Hip hop was f'ing boring. Where did Carol go? Like no offence or anything, but Caleb's classes are just so... plain. Brian's was way more interesting and for once I actually managed to do the entire choreo without ending up with a confused look on my face. Okay, it's not the first time this happened but this happens on very very very rare occasions. Sort of. Anyway, afterwards Mom and I went to Far East Square and walked around looking for Lingzhi, and ate some other food (read: some yummy biscuit, Ya Kun toast, glutinous rice ball with PEANUT PASTE filling) before deciding to go buy Teh Tarik. Then we found out that Ling Zhi moved elsewhere, so yeah, no curry dish for us! :( But I was pretty full by the time we found out anyway. Got to parkway, bought peanut pancake (somehow it doesn't taste nice to me anymore. oh well, time to look for a new peanut-made favourite snack) and got home. Cookie finally got her much-needed bath (we took the cone off already!) and Mom told me she was meowing like crap when they tried to bathe her. On normal occasions, I really adore Cookie and wouldn't laugh, but today she bit me (tried to, and half-succeeded) so yeah: HAHA HOW DO YOU LIKE KARMA NOW, HUH, COOKIE? I didn't study any bit of Geog today. I am dead dead dead. Get your act together Crystal!!!!!
!5:55 PM
I must study. Like, more. This entire week I've been studying geog at night and it's f'ing boring. I can't even remember the empoldering stuff because Mr Teo, being the type of teacher he is * ahem!ahem!*, didn't even teach it to us. Do you know what he taught for Land Resources/wtv the chapter name is? He taught only the irrigation and wtv shitty bits else there was afterwards. Empoldering? My ass. So I've decided, next time during Geog, might as well self-study instead of listening to Mr Teo's lecture/wtv cos it is practically useless. I mean. His heart's in the right place, I guess, but his teaching techniques make me wonder how can he keep his job if his students keep failing. Yesterday was the drama thing. And we got best performance! Or something. I don't know what it is in english, but there was only one big trophy and it's ours. But I'm just wondering where's the teacher/Keith/Han Jie gna keep it. And the halo I made wouldn't stay still. So if I stick it in my hair, it'll keep spinning, and it'll look f'ing comical, which isn't supposed to be the case. And my wings were lopsided most of the time. Which sort of suck D: So I kept asking Alvin to help me pin it up again HA. And I borrowed the pants for nothing ): Cos later on HJ say I don't need to wear it anymore, cos angels don't wear pants. What sort of reason is that huh! Oh well. Means I don't need to change. :D Stayed backstage 80% of the time, with Alvin and the 2 2B idiots boys who didn't get off previously and realised it too late. F'ing scary, if you ask me. Then I think something happened onstage cos suddenly everyone started laughing. Wtv. I think it was good. From the rehearsals and what I could hear. Very good voice projection. Omg I'm sounding like my stupid music reviews alr. Attempted to make pancakes for breakfast this morning. Okay, I guess, the taste and everything, but it's so boring! Like, standing over the fire for over 1/2 hour cos I made 6 pancakes and it takes about 6 minutes to make one. Okay wtv, next time I shall just stick to the ready-made roti prata. Even though I can't put peanut butter on it, it's still yummy :D Tempted to make nutella muffins. Nope, shall not and try to focus on studying. Study study study!
!11:24 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Gossip Girl was :)
!10:03 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Gossip girl Gossip girl Gossip girl
I am such a bimbo when it comes to this but... GOSSIP GIRL RETURNS TONIGHT!!!!! Omg I can hardly wait. Seriously serious. Life is going to be so much better with it around.
!8:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tkd grading today! Only slept for 6 hours, cos I had insomnia (this has been going on for a week!) and had gone out to fetch Dad from the airport. I think this grading has been a total blur, and I'm quite scared that I'll suddenly get brain-blank mid-pattern tomorrow. Does the word suddenly look correct to you? It doesn't to me, somehow. Or maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me. Anyway, after grading ate lunch with parents and Min at the restaurant. Full full full. I want to make pasta. Had yummy green curry dinner and Cindy got retarded around Dad's hair. And he's still walking around with those rubberbands in his hair. I. Need. To. Get. Rid. Of. Snickerdoodles.
!6:50 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
I realise the huge lack of pictures on my blog. So there. Suck on this bitches. These are yummy to the core. I bet my Holga on it. Which, by the way, I ahve yet to drag my lazy ass to Peninsula to see if they process 120mm film.
And now I present to you the love/hate of my life, Cookie. And it really depends on what she does, most of the time, that changes the love to hate, or hate to love. Like this morning. I gave her food and she did a tail twirl thing (HAHA JASMINE WILL KNOW WHAT THIS IS); now that was love. But just now when she got overzealous when I was giving her a belly rub and started scratching me? Now that's just plain war.
 See that lazy fuzz. She's been sleeping on that box since 3pm, btw. And all she does is sleep, sleep, stretch, try to lick her paws and sleep somemore on it.  See her stupid face when I scratch her under the chin! Nobody else in the house does that okay! And she still has the nerve to scratch me. Talk about ungrateful.
!8:26 PM
Some kind of game
Why is that whenever I think life is going great something happens/someone does something to change it all? Because, I know both you and Dad think that Cindy and I will grow up to be unfilial daughters and that's what you've been thinking since forever but seriously, give us a break. I'm pretty sure you're just bullshitting when you say that you weren't even a tinsy bit self-centred when you were about our ages, because, WHICH KID ISN'T. And the worst part is? You most probably were that self-centred but you just didn't realise it because your parents didn't have the time to be over-sensitive and ignore you just because you were doing it. My verdict? You stop condemning me (or Cindy) because sometimes we seriously misinterpret your actions and then you get all PMS-y/menopause-y and ignore us. Why is it forever OUR fault? Is it some unwritten rule that if you're the kid, you're forever in the wrong? I remember that one time, it wasn't my f'ing fault and I was forced to apologize or the entire argument will never end. When it wasn't my f'ing fault. And I'm serious, it wasn't. It's not my fault Dad didn't bring his phone. It's not my fault that I smsed him that I was held back for some unforeseen reasons. It's not my fault that he didn't read the sms because he didn't bring it. So who's fault is it? Oh right, the Dad's. But who apologized? The daughter. Makes a whole lot of sense when you look at it that way, huh? And it's not like we never make an effort. The only reason why I'm baking another batch was because yesterday's was too little and I know you like to eat them. And here you are, saying it comes naturally from the both of us. What are you implying? That we're selfish? Okay, I most probably am, but this just means I got it from YOU. And I still have to play nice or you'll get even more pissed, then Dad will find out about it when he gets back tonight, then the both of us will get scolded, and then what? You blame us for ruining the weekend. If you even take some time, and even TRY to listen to our explanations; these kind of stuff will never happen. If you even bother to open your mind and reason with yourself over our explanations, you will see that we are making an effort, but maybe it's just so easy for you to neglect it because why? You forever think you're right, and we're forever in the wrong. We're the selfish ones. We're the self-centred ones. And you're what? The perfect one? I know you're tired of being a working mom. So quit your job. I don't even get why you want to have another job when you have one that keeps you busy enough. It's not like we're strapped for cash. Then you make it seem like its all our fault that you're so busy and we don't appreciate you enough. You blame my attitude. And how is my attitude nurtured? Oh that's right; from my upbringing, isn't it. And has it ever occurred to you how different the levels of stress from our times are? You didn't study in such a competitive environment like Singapore. Technically, you had it easier. So if we don't take the time from our busy schedules of tuition and whatnot just to smile longer and keep our temper, we apologize dearly. I admit, I can be snappy and my tolerance level is about as low as it can get; but I do try to HOLD my temper in. Do you try that? Not everyone is naturally as almost-all-the-time-good-tempered as you are, you know. And now? I still have to try bridge up whatever Cindy screwed up with you, or you'll just use it as another one more point to throw back at us should we ever have this huge fight. I don't know what sort of kid you thought yourself as, but I'm damn certain if MY kid acted this way I'd try my best to listen and understand. And not do what YOU are doing, being some bitch. Oh God, my family is so screwed up.
!5:59 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Akimbo eskimo
Agh this is so annoying. I realise for every Math test I've had so far, I'm always missing the full marks by ONE mark. ONE you know. 1. !!!! Like aghsdnsidfni. And everytime I look at Ryan or Kevin T, I feel like throttling them. Like, really gah. THROTTLE. I wish I was the one who evaluated him. I would have given him a big fat zero, even if I'm being impartial. Okay, maybe not a zero, I'll give him a tick for ingenuity, since he is the only one who can think of such sick stuff about girls, so sick to the extent that no one else will ever think of it unless they too are pervs like him. Okay wtv, talking about him makes me damn pissed off. Anyway. Ran 2.4. Got a stupid 16:12 timing!!!! Only improved by a few seconds from last year. ): Must run faster. Faster faster faster.
!5:20 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Fret not, little butterfly
Omg Mel looks very cute with her braces. And my blister hurts so much I couldn't really dance properly. Bloody hell; who gets blisters on the bottom of second toes when wearing sports shoes anyway!!!
!7:11 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I think the smell of vanilla essense calms me. Seriously. Or maybe its just the baking itself. Baked snickerdoodles. 1, because I couldn't decide which to bake (this or peanut butter cookies) so I got Nick to choose for me and he chose snickerdoodles and 2, I don't want to use all my peanut butter so I'm going to wait till I buy a bigger tub next time :) The snickerdoodles are yummy, no doubt, but is the dough supposed to be that soft before I bake? The thing was putty in my hands even after I chilled it in the fridge for 1h+. And I've been thinking a lot (too much actually) lately. Agh PMS sucks.
!12:06 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Parmesan brace cheese ):
Thursday. Sometimes its a nice day. Sometimes it isn't. And right now, I'm not really sure if it's nice or not. Agh. I'm sorry Moms. I want to go to Paragon and shop till I drop.
!9:14 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
So tell me what you want what you really really want
I have this very sudden strong desire to bake cupcakes. Vanilla cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Peanut butter and jelly cupcakes. Apple and cinnamon cupcakes. Agh but we're all out of butter.
!4:27 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
I realise I haven't listened to my usual playlist for a long time. I like Mr. Brightside. What isn't on the brightside, though, is K****. Bloody fuckface, who do you think you are to spread such rumours. It's no wonder you got kicked out of CCHMS. Or maybe you decided to change school because you lost your credibility due to your inane lies. So maybe that's why you kicked up a fuss about discrimination right! So that the school will kick you out. I wouldn't be surprised if this year you picked on another one to get kicked out of this school cos nobody here will believe you anymore. Too bad most of the foreign students here are way taller than you, which isn't very difficult to begin with, seeing as you are THAT short (I bet if Ian has a growth spurt this June, you will be the shortest guy in class), so good luck in finding one that you can punch and call names AND get away with, but I really do hope you'll get a black eye or two, a knee-up in the balls, if possible, when you do. Because, really, that's what perverted freaks like you deserve.
!7:27 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Bimbo bimbo bimbo
Skipped choir ytd to go to the doctor's. And I had a fever without knowing. Which is pretty impossible for me, because the moment I get the slightest fever I'll turn into the biggest baby you know. But then again, stranger things have happened. So anyway, went to the Open House after Doctor's. The school seems interesting, but the dance didn't show modern dance so I'm like, agh I went for nothing. I wanted to see the modern! Not ballet. Okay wtv I don't want to join the school anymore, and I can't anyway. Unless I want to repeat Year 2 next year or something. Yeah, went home, and slept for a loooooooong time. Decided that I was fine after waking up so i went for Mel's concert. And I am so glad I did. Most of the dances were f'ing good. And going there was damn funny. Like, we met up in Parkway and had a pretzel and went looking for flowers to buy for Mel. Saw Marie when she was looking for a seat. Said a quick hi. And the most retarded thing happened. Like, during the intermission, Emelia and I went to the toilet and when I pushed on the door, it didn't move, so I thought it was like the 'one cubicle per door' sort of toilet and there was somebody inside? You know. Like those handicapped toilets? Yeah, so we waited for like 5 minutes before the door suddenly jerked open by the people inside and then I found out it was like those normal toilets. Like full of cubicles and everything. Then Emelia was laughing like anything. Bimbo. Waited for like 1/2 an hour before finally giving her the flower. Her extractions are so obvious!!! Okay I think I'm going ballet today. Ha.
!11:30 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I am a very happy girl
I am made a very happy girl today. Two words. PEANUT BUTTER.PEANUT BUTTER.PEANUT BUTTER!!!I finally ate proper peanut butter on proper toast because I told Mom that even if peanut butter really is the cause for my sinus, I'll continue eating it, so she finally relented and allowed me to buy it. Yum. YUM. YUMMY. I am happy.
!3:30 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ate the Portuguese tarts with Jasmine today. Yum. Both Mom and Mina think they're yummy too. Maybe I should buy back some for my Dad when he comes back from HK this week. Omg I'm having second thoughts about SOTA. Oh well, I'm definitely going to the open house first though. Mom's talking to some client about going to Aussie. I WANT TO GO AUSSIE AGAIN. That was a helluva of fun. Or maybe Canada, cos my cousins live there. But then there's the f'ing 24 hour flight or so. :( Can't wait for the 21st of April! I just watched the GG's short ad premiere thing. Yayz yayz. God I need to bake. Will be making bagels tomorrow. :D
!10:03 PM
femme fatale
Bang!Crystal Yiu
Turning 14 on 3rd August
Tanjong Katong Sec, 1C 2007, 2C 2008
Huh no, if I seem offensive to you then stay away.
Loves Peanut Butter, laughing, dancing, candid photos, bestoz, iPod, toast, shopping, MacBook, bags, oversized sunnies, rainy/windy/overcast days, catalogues, popart, cameras, strawberry jam, music, gossip blogs, deviantART, Cookie, badminton, telly, baking, travelling, apple strudel
Tunes Yael Naim, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Cartel, Soho Dolls, Rihanna, The Bravery, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Lily Allen, The Virgins, Two Hours Traffic, The Veronicas, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Feist, Bowling For Soup, The Fratellis, The Fray, Gwen Stefani, Joss Stone, Justin Timberlake, Kaiser Chiefs, The Killers, Linkin Park, Nelly Furtado, Timberland, Rachael Yamagata, Sugar Ray, Stefy, Kylie Minogue
Telly CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, House, Gossip Girl, Drake & Josh, Danny Phantom, Fear Factor, Heroes, 8 Simple Rules, Hope & Faith, Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Oh mickey you're so fine
Polaroid Instant Backing for Holga
Coloursplash Flash
Fisheye Lens for Holga
Gap cardigan
Trip to the U.S
MacBook OS X Leopard
A non-fugly pencilcase
insert more superficial stuff here
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I miss the time when we had a sandwich griller and made ham and cheese sandwiches with it every Sunday. That was yummy. Like, really really yummy, because the edges were crispy and when you bit through it the cheese came spilling out. I know- so graphical, but so darn yummy. Sadly, the griller broke down and Mom never bought another one. Good times, good times. Anyway. Geog was h*37sh784#^s. But I'm sure I'll pass. At least pass. PASS PASS PASS. And I really want to bake bake bake! First I need turbinado sugar, molasses, vanilla beans and more sugar. Oh, and whole wheat flour and MORE PEANUT BUTTER. (Mina keeps eating mine! >:S)
!2:38 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Salty+Semi-Sour= Sweet??
I don't know why, but my pineapple always tastes nicer with salt. Like seriously. Unless the pinapple is like the one Mom bought last week (yum yum) then it's okay. But anyway. Jasmine and I went to Parkway after school (Me: Popular to buy more cards and stupid Chengyu book that mysteriously disappeared*, Her: Buy food) and I walked shitloads. I kept checking my phone in Parkway cos usually Mommy will sms and offer to fetch me! And the SMS did come! BUT WAY TOO LATE. I was already at TK when she SMSed me. God it was f'ing hot. YES YES YES. It's going to rain on Wednesday. I'd rather it tomorrow, but then, at least it's going to rain. I want to bake. Mommy bought all these baking pans yesterday, and I'm freaking tempted! I want to bake peanut butter cookies with peanut butter filling. Call me crazy, but peanut butter is like my one true love.
!8:29 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Auntie said I look very sad today. I think I am. Exam stress. Can't get anything in my head. What the fuck is wrong with my internet!
!8:10 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Yum yum
Hip hop was f'ing boring. Where did Carol go? Like no offence or anything, but Caleb's classes are just so... plain. Brian's was way more interesting and for once I actually managed to do the entire choreo without ending up with a confused look on my face. Okay, it's not the first time this happened but this happens on very very very rare occasions. Sort of. Anyway, afterwards Mom and I went to Far East Square and walked around looking for Lingzhi, and ate some other food (read: some yummy biscuit, Ya Kun toast, glutinous rice ball with PEANUT PASTE filling) before deciding to go buy Teh Tarik. Then we found out that Ling Zhi moved elsewhere, so yeah, no curry dish for us! :( But I was pretty full by the time we found out anyway. Got to parkway, bought peanut pancake (somehow it doesn't taste nice to me anymore. oh well, time to look for a new peanut-made favourite snack) and got home. Cookie finally got her much-needed bath (we took the cone off already!) and Mom told me she was meowing like crap when they tried to bathe her. On normal occasions, I really adore Cookie and wouldn't laugh, but today she bit me (tried to, and half-succeeded) so yeah: HAHA HOW DO YOU LIKE KARMA NOW, HUH, COOKIE? I didn't study any bit of Geog today. I am dead dead dead. Get your act together Crystal!!!!!
!5:55 PM
I must study. Like, more. This entire week I've been studying geog at night and it's f'ing boring. I can't even remember the empoldering stuff because Mr Teo, being the type of teacher he is * ahem!ahem!*, didn't even teach it to us. Do you know what he taught for Land Resources/wtv the chapter name is? He taught only the irrigation and wtv shitty bits else there was afterwards. Empoldering? My ass. So I've decided, next time during Geog, might as well self-study instead of listening to Mr Teo's lecture/wtv cos it is practically useless. I mean. His heart's in the right place, I guess, but his teaching techniques make me wonder how can he keep his job if his students keep failing. Yesterday was the drama thing. And we got best performance! Or something. I don't know what it is in english, but there was only one big trophy and it's ours. But I'm just wondering where's the teacher/Keith/Han Jie gna keep it. And the halo I made wouldn't stay still. So if I stick it in my hair, it'll keep spinning, and it'll look f'ing comical, which isn't supposed to be the case. And my wings were lopsided most of the time. Which sort of suck D: So I kept asking Alvin to help me pin it up again HA. And I borrowed the pants for nothing ): Cos later on HJ say I don't need to wear it anymore, cos angels don't wear pants. What sort of reason is that huh! Oh well. Means I don't need to change. :D Stayed backstage 80% of the time, with Alvin and the 2 2B idiots boys who didn't get off previously and realised it too late. F'ing scary, if you ask me. Then I think something happened onstage cos suddenly everyone started laughing. Wtv. I think it was good. From the rehearsals and what I could hear. Very good voice projection. Omg I'm sounding like my stupid music reviews alr. Attempted to make pancakes for breakfast this morning. Okay, I guess, the taste and everything, but it's so boring! Like, standing over the fire for over 1/2 hour cos I made 6 pancakes and it takes about 6 minutes to make one. Okay wtv, next time I shall just stick to the ready-made roti prata. Even though I can't put peanut butter on it, it's still yummy :D Tempted to make nutella muffins. Nope, shall not and try to focus on studying. Study study study!
!11:24 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Gossip Girl was :)
!10:03 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Gossip girl Gossip girl Gossip girl
I am such a bimbo when it comes to this but... GOSSIP GIRL RETURNS TONIGHT!!!!! Omg I can hardly wait. Seriously serious. Life is going to be so much better with it around.
!8:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tkd grading today! Only slept for 6 hours, cos I had insomnia (this has been going on for a week!) and had gone out to fetch Dad from the airport. I think this grading has been a total blur, and I'm quite scared that I'll suddenly get brain-blank mid-pattern tomorrow. Does the word suddenly look correct to you? It doesn't to me, somehow. Or maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me. Anyway, after grading ate lunch with parents and Min at the restaurant. Full full full. I want to make pasta. Had yummy green curry dinner and Cindy got retarded around Dad's hair. And he's still walking around with those rubberbands in his hair. I. Need. To. Get. Rid. Of. Snickerdoodles.
!6:50 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
I realise the huge lack of pictures on my blog. So there. Suck on this bitches. These are yummy to the core. I bet my Holga on it. Which, by the way, I ahve yet to drag my lazy ass to Peninsula to see if they process 120mm film.
And now I present to you the love/hate of my life, Cookie. And it really depends on what she does, most of the time, that changes the love to hate, or hate to love. Like this morning. I gave her food and she did a tail twirl thing (HAHA JASMINE WILL KNOW WHAT THIS IS); now that was love. But just now when she got overzealous when I was giving her a belly rub and started scratching me? Now that's just plain war.
 See that lazy fuzz. She's been sleeping on that box since 3pm, btw. And all she does is sleep, sleep, stretch, try to lick her paws and sleep somemore on it.  See her stupid face when I scratch her under the chin! Nobody else in the house does that okay! And she still has the nerve to scratch me. Talk about ungrateful.
!8:26 PM
Some kind of game
Why is that whenever I think life is going great something happens/someone does something to change it all? Because, I know both you and Dad think that Cindy and I will grow up to be unfilial daughters and that's what you've been thinking since forever but seriously, give us a break. I'm pretty sure you're just bullshitting when you say that you weren't even a tinsy bit self-centred when you were about our ages, because, WHICH KID ISN'T. And the worst part is? You most probably were that self-centred but you just didn't realise it because your parents didn't have the time to be over-sensitive and ignore you just because you were doing it. My verdict? You stop condemning me (or Cindy) because sometimes we seriously misinterpret your actions and then you get all PMS-y/menopause-y and ignore us. Why is it forever OUR fault? Is it some unwritten rule that if you're the kid, you're forever in the wrong? I remember that one time, it wasn't my f'ing fault and I was forced to apologize or the entire argument will never end. When it wasn't my f'ing fault. And I'm serious, it wasn't. It's not my fault Dad didn't bring his phone. It's not my fault that I smsed him that I was held back for some unforeseen reasons. It's not my fault that he didn't read the sms because he didn't bring it. So who's fault is it? Oh right, the Dad's. But who apologized? The daughter. Makes a whole lot of sense when you look at it that way, huh? And it's not like we never make an effort. The only reason why I'm baking another batch was because yesterday's was too little and I know you like to eat them. And here you are, saying it comes naturally from the both of us. What are you implying? That we're selfish? Okay, I most probably am, but this just means I got it from YOU. And I still have to play nice or you'll get even more pissed, then Dad will find out about it when he gets back tonight, then the both of us will get scolded, and then what? You blame us for ruining the weekend. If you even take some time, and even TRY to listen to our explanations; these kind of stuff will never happen. If you even bother to open your mind and reason with yourself over our explanations, you will see that we are making an effort, but maybe it's just so easy for you to neglect it because why? You forever think you're right, and we're forever in the wrong. We're the selfish ones. We're the self-centred ones. And you're what? The perfect one? I know you're tired of being a working mom. So quit your job. I don't even get why you want to have another job when you have one that keeps you busy enough. It's not like we're strapped for cash. Then you make it seem like its all our fault that you're so busy and we don't appreciate you enough. You blame my attitude. And how is my attitude nurtured? Oh that's right; from my upbringing, isn't it. And has it ever occurred to you how different the levels of stress from our times are? You didn't study in such a competitive environment like Singapore. Technically, you had it easier. So if we don't take the time from our busy schedules of tuition and whatnot just to smile longer and keep our temper, we apologize dearly. I admit, I can be snappy and my tolerance level is about as low as it can get; but I do try to HOLD my temper in. Do you try that? Not everyone is naturally as almost-all-the-time-good-tempered as you are, you know. And now? I still have to try bridge up whatever Cindy screwed up with you, or you'll just use it as another one more point to throw back at us should we ever have this huge fight. I don't know what sort of kid you thought yourself as, but I'm damn certain if MY kid acted this way I'd try my best to listen and understand. And not do what YOU are doing, being some bitch. Oh God, my family is so screwed up.
!5:59 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Akimbo eskimo
Agh this is so annoying. I realise for every Math test I've had so far, I'm always missing the full marks by ONE mark. ONE you know. 1. !!!! Like aghsdnsidfni. And everytime I look at Ryan or Kevin T, I feel like throttling them. Like, really gah. THROTTLE. I wish I was the one who evaluated him. I would have given him a big fat zero, even if I'm being impartial. Okay, maybe not a zero, I'll give him a tick for ingenuity, since he is the only one who can think of such sick stuff about girls, so sick to the extent that no one else will ever think of it unless they too are pervs like him. Okay wtv, talking about him makes me damn pissed off. Anyway. Ran 2.4. Got a stupid 16:12 timing!!!! Only improved by a few seconds from last year. ): Must run faster. Faster faster faster.
!5:20 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Fret not, little butterfly
Omg Mel looks very cute with her braces. And my blister hurts so much I couldn't really dance properly. Bloody hell; who gets blisters on the bottom of second toes when wearing sports shoes anyway!!!
!7:11 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I think the smell of vanilla essense calms me. Seriously. Or maybe its just the baking itself. Baked snickerdoodles. 1, because I couldn't decide which to bake (this or peanut butter cookies) so I got Nick to choose for me and he chose snickerdoodles and 2, I don't want to use all my peanut butter so I'm going to wait till I buy a bigger tub next time :) The snickerdoodles are yummy, no doubt, but is the dough supposed to be that soft before I bake? The thing was putty in my hands even after I chilled it in the fridge for 1h+. And I've been thinking a lot (too much actually) lately. Agh PMS sucks.
!12:06 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Parmesan brace cheese ):
Thursday. Sometimes its a nice day. Sometimes it isn't. And right now, I'm not really sure if it's nice or not. Agh. I'm sorry Moms. I want to go to Paragon and shop till I drop.
!9:14 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
So tell me what you want what you really really want
I have this very sudden strong desire to bake cupcakes. Vanilla cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Peanut butter and jelly cupcakes. Apple and cinnamon cupcakes. Agh but we're all out of butter.
!4:27 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
I realise I haven't listened to my usual playlist for a long time. I like Mr. Brightside. What isn't on the brightside, though, is K****. Bloody fuckface, who do you think you are to spread such rumours. It's no wonder you got kicked out of CCHMS. Or maybe you decided to change school because you lost your credibility due to your inane lies. So maybe that's why you kicked up a fuss about discrimination right! So that the school will kick you out. I wouldn't be surprised if this year you picked on another one to get kicked out of this school cos nobody here will believe you anymore. Too bad most of the foreign students here are way taller than you, which isn't very difficult to begin with, seeing as you are THAT short (I bet if Ian has a growth spurt this June, you will be the shortest guy in class), so good luck in finding one that you can punch and call names AND get away with, but I really do hope you'll get a black eye or two, a knee-up in the balls, if possible, when you do. Because, really, that's what perverted freaks like you deserve.
!7:27 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Bimbo bimbo bimbo
Skipped choir ytd to go to the doctor's. And I had a fever without knowing. Which is pretty impossible for me, because the moment I get the slightest fever I'll turn into the biggest baby you know. But then again, stranger things have happened. So anyway, went to the Open House after Doctor's. The school seems interesting, but the dance didn't show modern dance so I'm like, agh I went for nothing. I wanted to see the modern! Not ballet. Okay wtv I don't want to join the school anymore, and I can't anyway. Unless I want to repeat Year 2 next year or something. Yeah, went home, and slept for a loooooooong time. Decided that I was fine after waking up so i went for Mel's concert. And I am so glad I did. Most of the dances were f'ing good. And going there was damn funny. Like, we met up in Parkway and had a pretzel and went looking for flowers to buy for Mel. Saw Marie when she was looking for a seat. Said a quick hi. And the most retarded thing happened. Like, during the intermission, Emelia and I went to the toilet and when I pushed on the door, it didn't move, so I thought it was like the 'one cubicle per door' sort of toilet and there was somebody inside? You know. Like those handicapped toilets? Yeah, so we waited for like 5 minutes before the door suddenly jerked open by the people inside and then I found out it was like those normal toilets. Like full of cubicles and everything. Then Emelia was laughing like anything. Bimbo. Waited for like 1/2 an hour before finally giving her the flower. Her extractions are so obvious!!! Okay I think I'm going ballet today. Ha.
!11:30 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I am a very happy girl
I am made a very happy girl today. Two words. PEANUT BUTTER.PEANUT BUTTER.PEANUT BUTTER!!!I finally ate proper peanut butter on proper toast because I told Mom that even if peanut butter really is the cause for my sinus, I'll continue eating it, so she finally relented and allowed me to buy it. Yum. YUM. YUMMY. I am happy.
!3:30 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ate the Portuguese tarts with Jasmine today. Yum. Both Mom and Mina think they're yummy too. Maybe I should buy back some for my Dad when he comes back from HK this week. Omg I'm having second thoughts about SOTA. Oh well, I'm definitely going to the open house first though. Mom's talking to some client about going to Aussie. I WANT TO GO AUSSIE AGAIN. That was a helluva of fun. Or maybe Canada, cos my cousins live there. But then there's the f'ing 24 hour flight or so. :( Can't wait for the 21st of April! I just watched the GG's short ad premiere thing. Yayz yayz. God I need to bake. Will be making bagels tomorrow. :D
!10:03 PM