Monday, June 23, 2008
I am still totally flat out giddy and a bit nauseous from the flight (which, by the way, has totally sucky crew, but more on that later) but wtv I want to post and stuff. Russia was madfun! Well, besides the times when I got homesick on the first few days or screwing up our performance at the church or getting giddy after the bus rides and etc etc etc. But yeah it was damn fun +cold!
The flight there seemed shorter than 11 hours, I don't know why, but my tailbone really hurt after sitting down for so long. And the weirdest part is that the sky even at 7 looks like this,
I know, but I was too out of it to be bothered about it. The room in Moscow was bigger than the one in St. Pete's and it was kind of nice in the simple, budget hotel way. Yup, but European women are so... braless sometimes, it's damn gross.
Food in Russia is all about cheese, oil, cold bread, and more oil. I don't know what's up with the cold bread but it's not nice at all, so when we finally got freshly baked bread I was like all :D xinfinity but the jam inside was horrible. The bread was yummy, though. Yumyumyum.
St. Pete's is so much more prettier than Moscow, with all the European buildings and stuff. Most of the pictures taken were from the bus, though.

Damn okay I don't want to post pictures anymore, it takes so f'ing long and as you can tell I am the type of person who has very little to no patience at all. So I shall type. And type and type.
Okay the first night I was completely zonked out and was very disoriented and worse still we had to lug our luggages up the stairs (my luggage was 18kg!!) and everything omg I wanted to die already and it was not that cold out that night.
Domestic flight to St. Pete's was beyond scary, the plane seemed to shake a lot and I had this horrible vision that we would just drop out of the sky. Nevertheless, managed to fall asleep on it and only woke after landing. St. Pete's was cold and nice!
Okay the first night I was completely zonked out and was very disoriented and worse still we had to lug our luggages up the stairs (my luggage was 18kg!!) and everything omg I wanted to die already and it was not that cold out that night.
Domestic flight to St. Pete's was beyond scary, the plane seemed to shake a lot and I had this horrible vision that we would just drop out of the sky. Nevertheless, managed to fall asleep on it and only woke after landing. St. Pete's was cold and nice!
Our hotel in St. Pete's was so f'ing smalllllllllllllllll. But I love the balcony, sort of. The hotel's facing the river directly and people play stupid techno music every night or either they get married and release balloons and like, you know, yell and scream. I wanted to throw my shoe down or something, but seeing as how Russians are so 'passionately' scary, haha, no, I didn't, but Jasmine and I did yell for them to shut up out of our window. Oh and I threw a paper ball down and the woman immediately looked up to see who threw it.
We practiced mostly outside the hotel facing the river and it was so cool because cars actually slow down to look and people look out of the window (this one guy even sat on the windowsill to listen) or stand outside of the hotel, or stop at the opposite bank and stuff. And we had echoes which was so fun to do but there were so many bugs and they bit everyone, Jia Min had this horrible bite which proceeded to get bigger and bigger.
First performance at the church was mediocre, rushed for Kerraban Sape like nobody's business but I think Ave was okay. Wtv, more practice for that! By the second performance we miraculously improved and Mr Kwei said the Harmonia University Choir (the one we competed against for Folklore) were like

The performance day itself we woke up at like, 5? And then did warm-ups and everything, and had to leave for the hall already and I was f'ing jittery. The place was pretty with that vintage sort of feel but the toilet stank like crap and you can smell it even in the hallway. P-ew.
We rushed a bit for Folklore, but like, I think we improved a lot, esp. for Mepalian. (is it Meplalian or Mepalian, cos I never really knew.) and we did the retarded ja-ja-ja part way better than we have before. Which you know, is good. The squatting (however more retarded) helps, I guess.
And then like, you know, at first Emilyn and I thought that the Astonian choir had beaten us cos we heard something like 'Youth... 19 years old...' then suddenly 'Astonian something something choir!' then they cheered so we were like, 'Huh we lost to them?!' but then suddenly, 'And with a 100 points, Tanjong Katong Secondary School!' and we were all like jumping and screaming. Like o-m-g x 19382938203923882!!! Folklore snatched a 96 but all the trophies are so small.
I hate how bitchy Westerners can get eh. Just cos we're Asian and all. The only other nice choir besides NUS was the Old Man choir which had really good (and not to mention super super friendly) singers. The rest were like... absolute a-holes. Rude, mean, uncivilised a-holes. Yup.
We had some sightseeing, all the pictures I shall not upload cos yes I'm that lazy but St. Pete's is pretty everywhere whereas Moscow is only pretty at Red Square, where I froze my butt and ears off because I was wearing 3/4s which, was a HUGE mistake on my part.
Saw one really really f'ing f'ing hot guy at Red Square. He was wearing this black bomber jacket, I think he's some sports group cos they were all wearing the same jacket and he has those really nice icy gray eyes. You know how Draco Malfoy's eyes are always being described in the HP books? Yes, imagine that, then make it prettier X3. Ate Russian ice cream even though I was so very cold, and I finally ate Blinis, but not with jam (sadly) but with ham and cheese.
Agh and I took a picture with this super duper cute boy who kept laughing and jumping in the airport. We had to communicate with sign language with his dad and it was so funny cos Jasmine pinched her own cheeks when she was trying to explain why we wanted a picture.
"Excuse me, can we take a picture *pretends to take a picture* with your son *points to him* cos he's so cute *pinches cheek*?"
He's got really nice eyes and just about the cutest smile and he was so cheerful and bubbly and I got to carry him! Haha omg so cute!! Picture's with Jia Min. I shall only post pictures with other people once I have the rest.
Miss the weather in Russia. It's cold and nice and cold cold cold.
!6:54 PM