Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
Epistle | the post
Archive | library
Credits | you have my thanks
Monday, March 31, 2008
Overwhelm your senses people!
I can't believe it, but my dad is actually going to fly back from HK this week again just to go with me to the open house for SOTA. Seriously, I thought my parents were just going to get very frustrated with me for wanting to transfer schools and stuff cos it was troublesome. Wow. This only proves that parents do surprise you sometimes. I love the Chocolate Factory shop in the airport, yumyum, bought the cinammon almond one. Kevin Teo sucks. Big time.
!8:50 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Crunchy punch lines
I have decided, I like crunchy peanut butter better than the creamy one. Alas, mom reminded dad that I couldn't eat peanut butter for 3 months due to my sinus, which I glared at her for, because really, who actually bothers!!! I don't mind getting sinus; peanut butter is way to yummy for me to give up. I finally ate peanut pancakes from Jollibean today! :) I think I should ahve gotten the crispy peanut pancake instead, cos the pancakes (6 small rolls) were so freaking fulling, and dad only ate 1 itty bitty roll, so I was left with the rest. I want to get the Polaroid backing for Holga! Stupid la, PP's camera shops don't process my film. I WANT CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER.
!10:02 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Banana crumb muffins
Omg I love the muffins they are so awesomely yummy. Hha, J & G came over to bake. Actually Gwen got caught in the rain, cos she had to stay back for art, which totally sucked but yeah yummy muffins! And our jam was like, spilling over like a volcano. Boooooooooooooooophhhhhhhhhhhh like that. I know, it was so funny watching it while it was being baked. Ummz. I think taekwondo is like so boring now can you please please please start coming again or not!!!
!8:42 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bun bum tum
I am itching to bake blueberry muffins. Th ones from 7-11 are yummy, but I think totally not-healthy. But I don't have many of the ingredients, so I decided to make banana crumb muffins, since Mom bought ass-huge bananas today. And I just ate one and am still feeling full from it. Who knew bananas were so filling?
!8:54 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's an obsession, craver
Omgz. I have found so many awesome bake blogs over the weekend/+ 1 Day holiday and now Cindy and I have this uncanny craving to bake bake bake (for her, anything that has the word chocolate or brownie in it; for me, the blueberry muffins and banana bran muffins. Or peanut butter. Peanut butter is like my magic word. I think I'm nuts over them. But it's sad that I can't find a peanut butter brand that is totally void of fructose and hydrogenated vegetable oil.) Okay, I should really stop surfing through those websites. They're making me reeeeeeeeeally hungry. My tummy's rumbling already. And they look really yummy. Oh god. Talking to Min is funny, sometimes. I woke up at like 2 this morning, thinking it was 6. And it took me a long time to get back to sleep. I think I'm getting insomnia or something. It sounds like its raining but it doesn't look like it. Oh well, I shall sit around and bask in the rainy air. I think I'd like to live in London. London London London! London London London!
!5:59 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I believe there's a way you can love me because I say
I am absolutely hooked with 'Love Song' by Sara Bareilles. Funny surname, but then again caucasians always have funny names that roll off our tongues as funny as the way some of them pronounce our street names (read: Tampines) or Chinese words. I feel so f'ing fat man. This proves that I should forever be eating complete meals. Not just eating a little bit at every occasional 2 1/2 hours or so. Complete meals. Yes. I really should. And God, apple is so damn filling. I've decided I like French Toast a lot. And I feel like making tortillas. A lot. Now.
!8:49 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
You're so stuck up
I've decided that Chloe will be my favourite brand from now on. It's so very boho. Nice. Today's one of those days where I start feeling so useless at dance. Which sucks. Sucks a lot, to be exact. And I miss Mommy. )=
!5:44 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Life would be so much better if,
I like today, despite the fact the weather forecast lied and it isn't raining, neither does it look like it's going to rain. It's sunny but the wind's cold and it isn't overly-sunny in that overbearing way. Mom left for Shanghai today and will only be back on Monday night. Sigh. Yesterday was, well, a letdown. So much for 'nice' day. The first half of the day was nice, when it was cold and I was still semi-energetic. But after recess or before that, I got very lethargic. And taekwondo wasn't nice either, as some of you would know, and my ass is still feeling the aftermath of doing the sidekick slowly. I feel like eating a hotdog or something. I want to watch Wanted while eating that hotdog. But I don't think Wanted will be showing in SG. At least not for now. Which is just plain sad. Oh well, on the bright side, Mom collected the post before leaving, so now I have the latest issue of Bazaar :D Finished D&T essay and Art while watching Fear Factor. And the Nat Geo Loch Ness Monster special. I know, how utterly dorky of me, but its quite cool eh. To me, anyway. And there wasn't anything else nice on. I am now reminded of why I looooooove Fear Factor. Of course I wouldn't be so stupid as to ever sign up for it, but its, you know, nice. Except the really disgusting ones like the family challenge where they had to transfer slimy marine stuff or something with their mouths. That was a no-brainer gag. Seriously. Oh well, time to return to fanfiction and slacking. Bye.
!5:22 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's so way before our curfew
!6:57 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's a cuppa to go
Omg this is so annoying. My Mac is so laggy I swear I can just throw it against the wall or something already. I think tonight will be the one night in the entire night that I can sleep early :) C; stop being so upset! Let her be the bitch she wants k. You crying all day long is well, not very nice. SMILE-ioz. Funfun.
!9:35 PM
Inhalation becomes a difficulty
Yesterday was a total snooze fest. But Jasmine let me hug her! :D Her mommy's right; she is nice to hug. Except for the fact that she's totally repelled by any sign of affection or any contact with people. Oh well. My foolscap got stolen by some retarded Sec 3 who sat at my desk while their teacher used our f'ing classroom for THEIR lessons. He-llo, I thought all classes had their OWN classrooms? So why are you using OUR classroom, and stealing MY foolscap? There was a reasonable amount of paper left, asshole. I hope infertility falls upon you. I really do. I can't wait for tomorrow; sort of. Sigh, I love the rain. Seriously. The moment it started to get grey I felt calmed already. I should move to a place with a lot of rain, then I'll be calm all day long. Yay.
!2:20 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Can someone shoot me in the head
Dined at Carousel last night. Yum. I ate a bit of each but I think the cherry crumble was the nicest thing, besides the Pita bread. I LOVE THE FOCCA-SOMETHING BREAD. Mom said I shouldn't have eaten so much bread, because it fills you up quickly. But the bread was nice, albeit cold. They should leave a toaster there or something. Stained my black pants with Al Fredo sauce; the spaghetti guy was trying hard not to laugh. Played with my Holga as well, and took lots of shots around, but what I really want are fun shots. But apparently I'm too busy this week, which I am. And I still have PW Poster and Pictures to do, and my science quiz. Okay, I just zipped through the science quiz, but I did fairly bad. I wasn't really learning the stupid acids thing anyway. Omg I can't wait for April 21st! New Gossip Girl season. :) Agh Mel come online!
!7:53 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
I like what you say
Omg I want to rip her head off, put it through the shredder, blend it with chilli then cut off her fingers and toes by each phalanx, and put her through all the worst things hell can do to her, and then put her in eternal damnation. I know, I am such a maniac, but I think its due to the stress of the ballet exam. I screwed it up. Really. Like, I did a stupid plié when we weren't supposed to. Then I screwed up my Exercise for Upper Back, seriously. I landed with a thud at the end because I was like, 'okay, do I turn now? Or now?' Can I just kill myself. I even did my character reverence wrongly. Ended with the wrong foot, and I'm certain she saw. But I think she was still smiling. It's like, so unnerving that she's smiling ALL the time. Even ytd when we met her outside the room and we were eating cookies and she was still SMILING. Like, she has the Mr. Rizal syndrome or something. Agh I need a hug. Ballet lessons for the past 3 days straight. And I had to skip taekwondo ytd. And I think I'm glad I did. Oh well. I'm just glad the exam's over. But I think Mrs Skipp is like the cutest. As in, when she scolds she's as scary as crap, but she's like so cute when she's neutral. Cos she was helping us do our hair today then she was talking to Simone's mom. And you know, having nothing to do we just listened and everything. It's so retarded, the exam. I went in, then I was like, do my pliés and then I was like, 'Oh yeah, must smile.' But I was smiling then it became like... :) :| :( LIKE THAT. Like, I was smiling, forcing myself to smile anyway, but my lips were like trembling then I felt that my smile was like too fake so I stopped smiling. Then I turned the corners of my mouth up. But then it felt so retarded! I can shoot myself right now, I swear.
!2:24 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It takes a crumble, a tumble, and then a fall
Omg I think today will be the most fun day of the holidays. Gen came over (like an hour late cos her mom had to go eat lunch or something first) and then we ate lunch (finally, Ham and Cheese sandwich!!) Walked to the bake shop and it started raining like huge fat heavy raindrops. I dont think my Holga was damaged or anything, though. Bought the stuff, then we saw some stray cats, and they looked really pitiful, so we went back home and took some of Cookie's food to give it to them to eat. Started bakinggggz. Then we took out too much butter, so besides baking apple and cinnamon cookies, we baked cranberry muffins as well, but my mom says the muffins are more like scones, cos its hard. Oh well.
!9:11 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Hey girlie, why so sad
Cookie has been depressed for the past few days and I'm really starting to miss her usual self. Which was, albeit still as lazy, but at least she still ran around during the morning periods like some crazed cat. I've finished the stupid Math Quiz, and almost all of the Math worksheet thing. Sucks man, I just want to get rid of all my holiday homework. I am stuck for my poster, cos I can't find any pictures online. And I don't know who can be my subject, if I use my brand-spanking-new Holga omg thanks Sam!, and which part of SG will actually have a nice background. So right now I have one picture on the blank canvas. And that's about it. Omg screw this. And I still have to find a picture of me (blown up to an f'ing A3 size) and one of those who resemble me in my family. Which means its definitely Cindy, since most people say we look alike (although nobody in the family actually sees the resemblance), or maybe my Dad. Because I don't think I look like my mom. At least not obviously. I mean, both Cin and I have our dad's features (nose, eyes). But we have my mom's eyebrows, I'm sure. Or else our eyebrows will be like the dragon-y type. The type that flairs up at the tip. :O March holidays are forever busy. Ytd ballet was a lot better than Saturday. I don't exactly like Ms Tan's way of teaching very much, and I feel that she's still inexperienced and everything, but I prefer her class since she seems to be a bit less harsh on our group than Ms Chew. Omg I know, I'm such a loser for liking people who gives me less criticism. But I admit, I hate criticism and I'm not very good at handling it. Like, am I supposed to look sat or angry when I receive it. Or do I just look blank and nod my head. I have completely no idea. Oh well. Time to eat sweet potatoes. Bye.
!12:04 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Excuse miss lady, how you doin'
Omg I can't believe I forgot to wish Cookie a Happy Birthday ytd. I am sucha bad owner. And I also can't believe TK Band is still practicing. I can hear them from here. Unless they're having camp or something. Today had better be so much better. Oh, and Jasmine, if you're reading this right, I can't do it today! I have tuition straight after dance, unless you want to come over at about 5+ to do the poster. Sms me or something, okay?
!11:32 AM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
worst day ever
I am so tired today! Yesterday got better for me, though. Mom and I made up, so things are almost fine in the family. Almost, but that's better than nothing, I guess. But today things are so utterly fucked up. I was like so damn tired, even by hip hop. But I still went and everything, because next Saturday I fully intend on taking a break from all dances. Then I rested for a bit before rushing for ballet, and I'm telling you, it has to be one of the worst ballet classes ever. I don't have anything against Ms Chew, because you know, she's a lot more tolerant than Mrs Skipp and she doesn't yell like Mrs Skipp does to reduce some of us to tears, but... Scolding us and bringing our morale down on the weekend just before the exam isn't the best way to help us.And its like, it's not as if we're not trying hard. I'm pointing my hardest, okay, but it's just cos of the fact that I'm flat-footed you can barely see it. Didn't you once say that it isn't all about the feet, but the technique as well? And can't you tell when to scold and when not to scold? Symone was practically crying her eyes off and you were still reprimanding her and bringing her down. And she felt so guilty because she thought she was going to drag us down that she was like apologizing and everything to me and sobbing incoherently. What sort of teacher are you when you don't exactly have the best teaching techniques, and instead make your students worry and guilty just a few days (5, to be exact) before the exam? I want to smack her. And don't worry S, she was just being a bitch by picking on us and she has an ugly belly button anyway. Tomorrow will be so much better. :D
!9:24 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fuck the school. Fuck the class committee training. Fuck Mr *. Who the fuck do they think they are? It's a damn class committee training which costs a fucking 60 bucks just for ONE session that's a damn 8 hours, and just tell me, why is it impossible to skip it? Why huh? Just because the school has paid for it already? So what does this teach you? Next time don't pay for anything until the number of people going are CONFIRMED right. If it was on any other day, I'd go, because then it wouldn't clash with anything, but now, just cos my mom refuses to waste 60 bucks (I have to pay even if I'm not going) and refuses to let me pay, I have to go for the motherfucking thing.
!2:44 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Cone-head cat
 Cookie is positively livid with all 3 of us. Look at that cone thing! And she had to get 2 jabs, one for antibiotic, the other for vaccination. Then we had to shave off some fur, and apply medicine on her. So basically she has an infection. An infection that needs 3 different types of pills to treat, along with some cream and powder. And she's still licking the cone thing in pathetic attempts to get it off, even though I've told her a dozen times it'll still stay. Then she tried to go through the bars to look at the window, but the cone thing sort of blocked her, so she stalked off to sleep. Silly cat, really, but isn't she prettyyyyyyyyyy? (although she looks like an idiot in the picture)
!9:38 PM
If it's not f'ed up, I don't know what is
I think the school is so fucked up that they don't even spare a thought for us students who, unlike most of the faculty, actually have social lives that they must attend to? Like forcing us to go to some retarded class committee training during the bloody March holidays? If I knew there'd be a training during the weekend I would have definitely not joined class comm please! And it's like so stupid; I offered to pay but not go, so therefore the school won't lose any money, and I don't need to skip lessons, so we both win right? If there was a training, let us know BEFORE any one of us do something stupid (like agreeing to be in class comm) instead of informing us just a week before the damn thing. Now on a lighter note, I can't wait for Thursday =) I want this:  I want it I want it I want it. It seems a little big but really! LOOK AT IT. IT IS SO PRETTY. AND IT HAS GOOD FEATURES. BUT ITS SO F'ING EX. For a phone anyway. Retail price is about 479? Oh well, I can only change my phone in around October, so the price might have gone down by then? Or maybe they'd come up with an even better design. :D Reminds me a bit of iPhone though. Or iPod Touch. Except that, well, it has the keyboard and everything. Omg I want it so badly. March holidays sounds like fun. Like, Kiwi and I made plans, but I'm not sure if she remembered them, and Gen and I made plans too. Sort of. Haha okay but wtv, at least there's not [much] school. :D
!3:16 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
And I know how much of it's true
I feel like absolute crap. And this morning was even worse. Last night I slept pretty okay, I guess, but I had this weird dream where I was like being roasted by this plank of white lights. I don't know how to say it but it was freaky beyond belief. Anyway, I pretty much slept through the entire day, because the moment I stood up I'd feel like vomiting. And I did vomit, anyway, at the doctor's. Apparently I ahve tonsil infection. So the fever might last for a week. But I highly doubt it, cos the fever subsided already but it might come back cos I'm still very giddy and my head's pounding. Ah whatever I eat tastes funny now. I want to bake something! Thanks to Gwen, Jasmine, Nadira and Jevon for wishing me to get better soon ;D
!8:19 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
It's just all foul play
Omg I looooooooove today. Despite the fact I can't go swimming, but yeah. I had awesome breakfast and its raininggggggg! :D
!11:01 AM
femme fatale
Bang!Crystal Yiu
Turning 14 on 3rd August
Tanjong Katong Sec, 1C 2007, 2C 2008
Huh no, if I seem offensive to you then stay away.
Loves Peanut Butter, laughing, dancing, candid photos, bestoz, iPod, toast, shopping, MacBook, bags, oversized sunnies, rainy/windy/overcast days, catalogues, popart, cameras, strawberry jam, music, gossip blogs, deviantART, Cookie, badminton, telly, baking, travelling, apple strudel
Tunes Yael Naim, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Cartel, Soho Dolls, Rihanna, The Bravery, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Lily Allen, The Virgins, Two Hours Traffic, The Veronicas, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Feist, Bowling For Soup, The Fratellis, The Fray, Gwen Stefani, Joss Stone, Justin Timberlake, Kaiser Chiefs, The Killers, Linkin Park, Nelly Furtado, Timberland, Rachael Yamagata, Sugar Ray, Stefy, Kylie Minogue
Telly CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, House, Gossip Girl, Drake & Josh, Danny Phantom, Fear Factor, Heroes, 8 Simple Rules, Hope & Faith, Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Oh mickey you're so fine
Polaroid Instant Backing for Holga
Coloursplash Flash
Fisheye Lens for Holga
Gap cardigan
Trip to the U.S
MacBook OS X Leopard
A non-fugly pencilcase
insert more superficial stuff here
Monday, March 31, 2008
Overwhelm your senses people!
I can't believe it, but my dad is actually going to fly back from HK this week again just to go with me to the open house for SOTA. Seriously, I thought my parents were just going to get very frustrated with me for wanting to transfer schools and stuff cos it was troublesome. Wow. This only proves that parents do surprise you sometimes. I love the Chocolate Factory shop in the airport, yumyum, bought the cinammon almond one. Kevin Teo sucks. Big time.
!8:50 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Crunchy punch lines
I have decided, I like crunchy peanut butter better than the creamy one. Alas, mom reminded dad that I couldn't eat peanut butter for 3 months due to my sinus, which I glared at her for, because really, who actually bothers!!! I don't mind getting sinus; peanut butter is way to yummy for me to give up. I finally ate peanut pancakes from Jollibean today! :) I think I should ahve gotten the crispy peanut pancake instead, cos the pancakes (6 small rolls) were so freaking fulling, and dad only ate 1 itty bitty roll, so I was left with the rest. I want to get the Polaroid backing for Holga! Stupid la, PP's camera shops don't process my film. I WANT CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER.
!10:02 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Banana crumb muffins
Omg I love the muffins they are so awesomely yummy. Hha, J & G came over to bake. Actually Gwen got caught in the rain, cos she had to stay back for art, which totally sucked but yeah yummy muffins! And our jam was like, spilling over like a volcano. Boooooooooooooooophhhhhhhhhhhh like that. I know, it was so funny watching it while it was being baked. Ummz. I think taekwondo is like so boring now can you please please please start coming again or not!!!
!8:42 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bun bum tum
I am itching to bake blueberry muffins. Th ones from 7-11 are yummy, but I think totally not-healthy. But I don't have many of the ingredients, so I decided to make banana crumb muffins, since Mom bought ass-huge bananas today. And I just ate one and am still feeling full from it. Who knew bananas were so filling?
!8:54 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's an obsession, craver
Omgz. I have found so many awesome bake blogs over the weekend/+ 1 Day holiday and now Cindy and I have this uncanny craving to bake bake bake (for her, anything that has the word chocolate or brownie in it; for me, the blueberry muffins and banana bran muffins. Or peanut butter. Peanut butter is like my magic word. I think I'm nuts over them. But it's sad that I can't find a peanut butter brand that is totally void of fructose and hydrogenated vegetable oil.) Okay, I should really stop surfing through those websites. They're making me reeeeeeeeeally hungry. My tummy's rumbling already. And they look really yummy. Oh god. Talking to Min is funny, sometimes. I woke up at like 2 this morning, thinking it was 6. And it took me a long time to get back to sleep. I think I'm getting insomnia or something. It sounds like its raining but it doesn't look like it. Oh well, I shall sit around and bask in the rainy air. I think I'd like to live in London. London London London! London London London!
!5:59 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I believe there's a way you can love me because I say
I am absolutely hooked with 'Love Song' by Sara Bareilles. Funny surname, but then again caucasians always have funny names that roll off our tongues as funny as the way some of them pronounce our street names (read: Tampines) or Chinese words. I feel so f'ing fat man. This proves that I should forever be eating complete meals. Not just eating a little bit at every occasional 2 1/2 hours or so. Complete meals. Yes. I really should. And God, apple is so damn filling. I've decided I like French Toast a lot. And I feel like making tortillas. A lot. Now.
!8:49 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
You're so stuck up
I've decided that Chloe will be my favourite brand from now on. It's so very boho. Nice. Today's one of those days where I start feeling so useless at dance. Which sucks. Sucks a lot, to be exact. And I miss Mommy. )=
!5:44 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Life would be so much better if,
I like today, despite the fact the weather forecast lied and it isn't raining, neither does it look like it's going to rain. It's sunny but the wind's cold and it isn't overly-sunny in that overbearing way. Mom left for Shanghai today and will only be back on Monday night. Sigh. Yesterday was, well, a letdown. So much for 'nice' day. The first half of the day was nice, when it was cold and I was still semi-energetic. But after recess or before that, I got very lethargic. And taekwondo wasn't nice either, as some of you would know, and my ass is still feeling the aftermath of doing the sidekick slowly. I feel like eating a hotdog or something. I want to watch Wanted while eating that hotdog. But I don't think Wanted will be showing in SG. At least not for now. Which is just plain sad. Oh well, on the bright side, Mom collected the post before leaving, so now I have the latest issue of Bazaar :D Finished D&T essay and Art while watching Fear Factor. And the Nat Geo Loch Ness Monster special. I know, how utterly dorky of me, but its quite cool eh. To me, anyway. And there wasn't anything else nice on. I am now reminded of why I looooooove Fear Factor. Of course I wouldn't be so stupid as to ever sign up for it, but its, you know, nice. Except the really disgusting ones like the family challenge where they had to transfer slimy marine stuff or something with their mouths. That was a no-brainer gag. Seriously. Oh well, time to return to fanfiction and slacking. Bye.
!5:22 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's so way before our curfew
!6:57 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's a cuppa to go
Omg this is so annoying. My Mac is so laggy I swear I can just throw it against the wall or something already. I think tonight will be the one night in the entire night that I can sleep early :) C; stop being so upset! Let her be the bitch she wants k. You crying all day long is well, not very nice. SMILE-ioz. Funfun.
!9:35 PM
Inhalation becomes a difficulty
Yesterday was a total snooze fest. But Jasmine let me hug her! :D Her mommy's right; she is nice to hug. Except for the fact that she's totally repelled by any sign of affection or any contact with people. Oh well. My foolscap got stolen by some retarded Sec 3 who sat at my desk while their teacher used our f'ing classroom for THEIR lessons. He-llo, I thought all classes had their OWN classrooms? So why are you using OUR classroom, and stealing MY foolscap? There was a reasonable amount of paper left, asshole. I hope infertility falls upon you. I really do. I can't wait for tomorrow; sort of. Sigh, I love the rain. Seriously. The moment it started to get grey I felt calmed already. I should move to a place with a lot of rain, then I'll be calm all day long. Yay.
!2:20 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Can someone shoot me in the head
Dined at Carousel last night. Yum. I ate a bit of each but I think the cherry crumble was the nicest thing, besides the Pita bread. I LOVE THE FOCCA-SOMETHING BREAD. Mom said I shouldn't have eaten so much bread, because it fills you up quickly. But the bread was nice, albeit cold. They should leave a toaster there or something. Stained my black pants with Al Fredo sauce; the spaghetti guy was trying hard not to laugh. Played with my Holga as well, and took lots of shots around, but what I really want are fun shots. But apparently I'm too busy this week, which I am. And I still have PW Poster and Pictures to do, and my science quiz. Okay, I just zipped through the science quiz, but I did fairly bad. I wasn't really learning the stupid acids thing anyway. Omg I can't wait for April 21st! New Gossip Girl season. :) Agh Mel come online!
!7:53 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
I like what you say
Omg I want to rip her head off, put it through the shredder, blend it with chilli then cut off her fingers and toes by each phalanx, and put her through all the worst things hell can do to her, and then put her in eternal damnation. I know, I am such a maniac, but I think its due to the stress of the ballet exam. I screwed it up. Really. Like, I did a stupid plié when we weren't supposed to. Then I screwed up my Exercise for Upper Back, seriously. I landed with a thud at the end because I was like, 'okay, do I turn now? Or now?' Can I just kill myself. I even did my character reverence wrongly. Ended with the wrong foot, and I'm certain she saw. But I think she was still smiling. It's like, so unnerving that she's smiling ALL the time. Even ytd when we met her outside the room and we were eating cookies and she was still SMILING. Like, she has the Mr. Rizal syndrome or something. Agh I need a hug. Ballet lessons for the past 3 days straight. And I had to skip taekwondo ytd. And I think I'm glad I did. Oh well. I'm just glad the exam's over. But I think Mrs Skipp is like the cutest. As in, when she scolds she's as scary as crap, but she's like so cute when she's neutral. Cos she was helping us do our hair today then she was talking to Simone's mom. And you know, having nothing to do we just listened and everything. It's so retarded, the exam. I went in, then I was like, do my pliés and then I was like, 'Oh yeah, must smile.' But I was smiling then it became like... :) :| :( LIKE THAT. Like, I was smiling, forcing myself to smile anyway, but my lips were like trembling then I felt that my smile was like too fake so I stopped smiling. Then I turned the corners of my mouth up. But then it felt so retarded! I can shoot myself right now, I swear.
!2:24 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It takes a crumble, a tumble, and then a fall
Omg I think today will be the most fun day of the holidays. Gen came over (like an hour late cos her mom had to go eat lunch or something first) and then we ate lunch (finally, Ham and Cheese sandwich!!) Walked to the bake shop and it started raining like huge fat heavy raindrops. I dont think my Holga was damaged or anything, though. Bought the stuff, then we saw some stray cats, and they looked really pitiful, so we went back home and took some of Cookie's food to give it to them to eat. Started bakinggggz. Then we took out too much butter, so besides baking apple and cinnamon cookies, we baked cranberry muffins as well, but my mom says the muffins are more like scones, cos its hard. Oh well.
!9:11 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Hey girlie, why so sad
Cookie has been depressed for the past few days and I'm really starting to miss her usual self. Which was, albeit still as lazy, but at least she still ran around during the morning periods like some crazed cat. I've finished the stupid Math Quiz, and almost all of the Math worksheet thing. Sucks man, I just want to get rid of all my holiday homework. I am stuck for my poster, cos I can't find any pictures online. And I don't know who can be my subject, if I use my brand-spanking-new Holga omg thanks Sam!, and which part of SG will actually have a nice background. So right now I have one picture on the blank canvas. And that's about it. Omg screw this. And I still have to find a picture of me (blown up to an f'ing A3 size) and one of those who resemble me in my family. Which means its definitely Cindy, since most people say we look alike (although nobody in the family actually sees the resemblance), or maybe my Dad. Because I don't think I look like my mom. At least not obviously. I mean, both Cin and I have our dad's features (nose, eyes). But we have my mom's eyebrows, I'm sure. Or else our eyebrows will be like the dragon-y type. The type that flairs up at the tip. :O March holidays are forever busy. Ytd ballet was a lot better than Saturday. I don't exactly like Ms Tan's way of teaching very much, and I feel that she's still inexperienced and everything, but I prefer her class since she seems to be a bit less harsh on our group than Ms Chew. Omg I know, I'm such a loser for liking people who gives me less criticism. But I admit, I hate criticism and I'm not very good at handling it. Like, am I supposed to look sat or angry when I receive it. Or do I just look blank and nod my head. I have completely no idea. Oh well. Time to eat sweet potatoes. Bye.
!12:04 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Excuse miss lady, how you doin'
Omg I can't believe I forgot to wish Cookie a Happy Birthday ytd. I am sucha bad owner. And I also can't believe TK Band is still practicing. I can hear them from here. Unless they're having camp or something. Today had better be so much better. Oh, and Jasmine, if you're reading this right, I can't do it today! I have tuition straight after dance, unless you want to come over at about 5+ to do the poster. Sms me or something, okay?
!11:32 AM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
worst day ever
I am so tired today! Yesterday got better for me, though. Mom and I made up, so things are almost fine in the family. Almost, but that's better than nothing, I guess. But today things are so utterly fucked up. I was like so damn tired, even by hip hop. But I still went and everything, because next Saturday I fully intend on taking a break from all dances. Then I rested for a bit before rushing for ballet, and I'm telling you, it has to be one of the worst ballet classes ever. I don't have anything against Ms Chew, because you know, she's a lot more tolerant than Mrs Skipp and she doesn't yell like Mrs Skipp does to reduce some of us to tears, but... Scolding us and bringing our morale down on the weekend just before the exam isn't the best way to help us.And its like, it's not as if we're not trying hard. I'm pointing my hardest, okay, but it's just cos of the fact that I'm flat-footed you can barely see it. Didn't you once say that it isn't all about the feet, but the technique as well? And can't you tell when to scold and when not to scold? Symone was practically crying her eyes off and you were still reprimanding her and bringing her down. And she felt so guilty because she thought she was going to drag us down that she was like apologizing and everything to me and sobbing incoherently. What sort of teacher are you when you don't exactly have the best teaching techniques, and instead make your students worry and guilty just a few days (5, to be exact) before the exam? I want to smack her. And don't worry S, she was just being a bitch by picking on us and she has an ugly belly button anyway. Tomorrow will be so much better. :D
!9:24 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fuck the school. Fuck the class committee training. Fuck Mr *. Who the fuck do they think they are? It's a damn class committee training which costs a fucking 60 bucks just for ONE session that's a damn 8 hours, and just tell me, why is it impossible to skip it? Why huh? Just because the school has paid for it already? So what does this teach you? Next time don't pay for anything until the number of people going are CONFIRMED right. If it was on any other day, I'd go, because then it wouldn't clash with anything, but now, just cos my mom refuses to waste 60 bucks (I have to pay even if I'm not going) and refuses to let me pay, I have to go for the motherfucking thing.
!2:44 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Cone-head cat
 Cookie is positively livid with all 3 of us. Look at that cone thing! And she had to get 2 jabs, one for antibiotic, the other for vaccination. Then we had to shave off some fur, and apply medicine on her. So basically she has an infection. An infection that needs 3 different types of pills to treat, along with some cream and powder. And she's still licking the cone thing in pathetic attempts to get it off, even though I've told her a dozen times it'll still stay. Then she tried to go through the bars to look at the window, but the cone thing sort of blocked her, so she stalked off to sleep. Silly cat, really, but isn't she prettyyyyyyyyyy? (although she looks like an idiot in the picture)
!9:38 PM
If it's not f'ed up, I don't know what is
I think the school is so fucked up that they don't even spare a thought for us students who, unlike most of the faculty, actually have social lives that they must attend to? Like forcing us to go to some retarded class committee training during the bloody March holidays? If I knew there'd be a training during the weekend I would have definitely not joined class comm please! And it's like so stupid; I offered to pay but not go, so therefore the school won't lose any money, and I don't need to skip lessons, so we both win right? If there was a training, let us know BEFORE any one of us do something stupid (like agreeing to be in class comm) instead of informing us just a week before the damn thing. Now on a lighter note, I can't wait for Thursday =) I want this:  I want it I want it I want it. It seems a little big but really! LOOK AT IT. IT IS SO PRETTY. AND IT HAS GOOD FEATURES. BUT ITS SO F'ING EX. For a phone anyway. Retail price is about 479? Oh well, I can only change my phone in around October, so the price might have gone down by then? Or maybe they'd come up with an even better design. :D Reminds me a bit of iPhone though. Or iPod Touch. Except that, well, it has the keyboard and everything. Omg I want it so badly. March holidays sounds like fun. Like, Kiwi and I made plans, but I'm not sure if she remembered them, and Gen and I made plans too. Sort of. Haha okay but wtv, at least there's not [much] school. :D
!3:16 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
And I know how much of it's true
I feel like absolute crap. And this morning was even worse. Last night I slept pretty okay, I guess, but I had this weird dream where I was like being roasted by this plank of white lights. I don't know how to say it but it was freaky beyond belief. Anyway, I pretty much slept through the entire day, because the moment I stood up I'd feel like vomiting. And I did vomit, anyway, at the doctor's. Apparently I ahve tonsil infection. So the fever might last for a week. But I highly doubt it, cos the fever subsided already but it might come back cos I'm still very giddy and my head's pounding. Ah whatever I eat tastes funny now. I want to bake something! Thanks to Gwen, Jasmine, Nadira and Jevon for wishing me to get better soon ;D
!8:19 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
It's just all foul play
Omg I looooooooove today. Despite the fact I can't go swimming, but yeah. I had awesome breakfast and its raininggggggg! :D
!11:01 AM