Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
Epistle | the post
Archive | library
Credits | you have my thanks
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
And I'm still standing.
Me: Can you stop whining? Zhimin: Then I'll moan.
Spoken on 31st Oct '07, approximately 7-7.30p.m.Stupid git. Trust him to learn how to moan from his sir. And he didn't even know how to pronounce moan properly! Then he wrote it on a piece of paper and asked Matt how to pronounce it. Stupid or what? And he still won't shut it about the monkey jokes. I really wish auntie wil just let us use Ally on him for once! Or twice. Or maybe a gazillion times. But really, his reaction was utterly priceless. Took bus home. There were like a dozen malay people then some of them were smoking. Eegh. I will die an impassive smoker, if not by anything else, I'm sure of it. Even when we were jay walking they were still fooling around. Bus ride back home was nice. I should ride the bus back more often. Or maybe not. Ha. Bbye.
!10:38 PM
Happy Halloween, Weeners! :D Tdy has been a total well. SLow day. Woke up at 11 plus. Decided to skip breakfast, but made brownies! Slightly burnt tho. Okay, I need to get the correct recipe. Ha. Alright. I like last night. I think. My brownies look nowhere like they're supposed to. This is how they are SUPPOSED to look like:  But instead, they look like some burnt bad block. Shan't post the picture. Too ashamed too! Ha! Alrighy, er, lets see. I like tdy tho. Yes, I do. I'm loving it! Okay, actually idk yeah. Bloody tired. I want to move to canadaaaaaaaaaaa. It seems nice. No, actually I just want to go to tkd. It was fun. BBye.
!3:14 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm starting over new, cos I'm not even there.
Hook Me Up is sucha nice song. Really. Video's so cool as well. Glad I went to tkd. It was fun. Learnt the correct side kick. Haiya. Min cannot hold the target thing correctly. I think that J is a nice person. Shall go talk to her next week. Learned first 7 steps to my yellow tip pattern thing. Don't you find it fun fun fun? :D Sort of okay now, I guess. Well, I still need Manda. Bbye.
!9:40 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
To Jerome+Whoever else:  You are ruddy stupid, if you think that I'm the only one who feels that way, see? And also, get your facts right. You can find out about Jack P's on the net. Giraffe doesn't listen to the same music as me. Do you even know who we're talking about or not! PLEASE LA. And an email including bananas is common. Look at *'s! It's bananabongs or something. SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT CAN. And no, wouldn't that be weird to go looking for you? YES IT WILL, alrigh, so shove off la. Not happy then blog about it. I don't tell my friends about her. What for? Not a big deal, y'know. And I know you practically love her. Bitch about us too, if you find it so unfair. And its no point if you like the roboz or not. Your P.O.V. is pretty irrelevant, alrigh//. And I don't even bother if you're nice or not. And if you sing offtune, you wont be able to get into choir, bozo. (BTW, nobody wears bell bottoms now, right.) Gazillions of cheers for Jasmine+(:, for posting back. Love you both lodz. Yes, Jasmine, we all know you're nice. _________________________________________________________ Anyhoo. Tdy went to see doc. HA, he told me I could go swimming. Went plaza. Sent dad to airport. Went to Parkway. Ah, boring shiz la. Got dizzy cos everywhere was things. And it looked super confusing. Ha. And then it rained. Bloody hell. Rained eh. So shitty. Floodzoid at the exit thing. Coolio. Then went t Jo's house. And we basically did a hell load of stuff. Fun fun! And Janessa reminds me of cin after a while. Going her house tmr as well! :D Gna swim. I want to swim at 6 or something, when the water's goddamnedly cold and maybe I can freezeover (WOULDNT THAT BE COOL!) but no, Jo can't wake up that early. So we settled for 9. Better wake up, pole. Righ, lov Jo. Agh, ew. No, not sad. Am I? No la. A tinsy bit. _+_, dont be sad no more k, please? :D/D:From Jo. Q: NAME A FRIEND WHO'S NAMES STARTS WITH A 'S' A: Er. Sandra! Q: 4TH PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALLS A: Mom. Q: WHAT DID THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED SAY? A: No la XD Q: DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS? A: Sometimes. Q: DO YOU HAVE CURLY HAIR? A: Friz la. Q: WHAT IS THE NEXT CONCERT YOU'RE GOING TO? A: Nada. Q: WHOS THE COOLEST PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? A: Er. People. Q: WHAT WORDS DO YOU SAY ALOT? A: Er/uh Q: WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? A: Crayfish? Or fruit. I think fruit. No, ice. YES ICE. Q: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID TO SOMEONE AND WHO WAS IT? A: Oh, sorry. To mom. Q: DO YOU WATCH TV? A: Yes, I do, unlike people like AHEMjoAHEM. Q: HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE, DONNIEDARKO? A: Sounds spaz. Q: EVER BEEN HUNTING? A: Wouldn't that be nice. Q: IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? A: Prolly not. Q: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, ''I LOVE YOU'' AND MEANT IT? A: Er. I don't really know. Er. OH, JO!. Q: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW? A: Sleeping, I think. No, actually I should be using the computer. Q: DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? A: Crys. Q: DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? A: That's dumb. Q: WHO'S THE YOUNGEST ONE IN THE FAMILY? A: Cin. Q: IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE? A: Unless you like being stoned. Q: DO YOU CLEAN UP NICE? A: Er, depends. Q: LAST TIME YOU USED A SKATEBOARD? A: Ha, like year ago! Q: WHERE WAS THE LAST PLACE YOU SLEPT BESIDES YOUR HOUSE? A: Car. Q: EVER RUN OUT OF GAS ON THE ROAD A: Sounds fun. Q: BEST MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS? A: I want to watch game plan la. No actually it was Nanny Diaries. But its over. Q: WHO DO YOU TRUST THE MOST? A: Er. Not really sure? Jo, I guess. No wait, A to the manda. :D Q: DO YOU THINK PEOPLE WHO COME UP WITH BRAIN DEAD QUIZZES ARE CRYING FOR HELP IN SOME TWISTED WAY? A: No, I just think they have too much spare time and should go liven up the calendar. Or else, they should create trouble for mean people! LAST 1) person you saw: Mom. 2) talked to on the phone: Mom. 3) hugged: Er. I really don't rmbr. OH SHIZ, hug in need! 4) person you texted: Jo. TODAY 1) date: 28th October 2007 2) plans: Was supposedly swimming. But changed cos of ruddy rain. 3) dislikes about tomorrow: Nth la. Tkd maybe? CURRENTLY 1) missing someone: Nope. Just feeling tinsy screwed up. 2) mood: Screwed up. No, actually I'm sleepy. TRUE OR FALSE I am a morning person: False. I have a morning face alrigh. I am a perfectionist: Depends I am an only child: I wish. I am currently in my pajamas: Untrue. I am online 24/7: Nope. I am very shy around the opposite gender: Er, no. Not really. I can be paranoid: Yes. I currently regret something that I have done: Partly. I enjoy talking on the phone: W/ nice people. I have a lot to learn: I'm not even 20 yet. I have a secret: Doesn't everybody? 5 people to do this: Kiwi. Gwen. Ting. Jo. (Even tho they both did it already :D). Ha. MANDA. But with her Os cannot la. Luck for them, btw. Alrigh, bbye.
!10:30 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
You are looking at the proud owner of a...
iPod Nano! Yup, dad gave it to me this morning when I was making my toast. YZERS. Spent about my entire free time tdy to get in the album artwork. Dance was nice, tdy. Yutaki actually choreo-d a dance that I liked. And he asked me how come I always stand at the side. And I realise Brian's cologne smells a lot like perfume. ALRIGH, moving on! Anyway, ballet was. I dno. ANNETTE LEW! COME TO BALLET LA, MRS SKIPP IS LIKE SUPER PISSIFIED W/ YOU. Yup, until then, I'm partnered w/ Symone, who's so tall for a p5. I think she's p5. Or is she p6? Oh wait, P6. But still! She's taller than me eh! Alrigh, Crystal, start jumping more rope. I need to grow taller, really, seriously. Made a new skin but have yet to use it yet. I likey it. :D My cold seems to be trying to kill me. My throat's a killer. Fun day w/ Jo tmr. :D Bbye.
!9:17 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
this has got to be the worst day of my life.
Well, physically wise. I'm feeling bloated, for some unknown reason. My throat's hurting. My teeth hurt cos Mr. Dentist put the stretchy bands on them and now all my food is half-chewed. I have an ulcer at the worst place ever. I'm feeling lethargic. I feel a bit like puking. But I really hate puking. My eyes are tired, my head is spinning and well, I just feel HORRIBLE today. Yeah, but school was fine. I cleaned windows! We all did. The first time for me. And well, it was okay I guess. Dirty. Actually. Very dirty. Our class must be the most vandalised. More people what. Ha. Anyhoo. Recess was a... weird one. Queues never seemed to shorten and all that shiz. And I couldn't eat. I only drank Yakult and a bottle of water. I hate my braces right now. Hate. H-A-T-E. Anyhoo. Er, what did we do? Oh yes, stone. I think. I can't really remember. I can only think of the pain in my teeth. Ouch ouch ouchhhhhhz. Er, got back report book and shiz. I MUST get my iPod nano. I think I should go jump rope now. Despite me feeling feverish. I'm really getting pissed now. Pissed pissed pissed. Okay, I hate this day alright? HATE. Damn, okay, er, bye.
!6:58 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh damn. I realise I lost all my passwords for my past emails. Shitty bittys. I also lost my password for my tagboard and shiz. Shit shit shit. Anyone know how to get the password back?
!3:07 PM
Two Days, Too Long.
Helloz. I am uber tired. Mainly cos I went jump roping for almost 30 mins. Tired like shit okay. So let's do what smart people do: When tired, glue yourself to the chair and blog. Okay, er, let's blog about ytd! Fun la. We had no idea to bring down our bags so when we found out the music was already playing and 7/8s of the 3 cohorts were down already so we were like, 'shit la.' But then! -DUM DUM DUM DUM DE DUM!- Flowerwoman Jasmine flew down using a huge frangipani as a huge umbrella (think Mary Poppin's style) and handed me my bag! Okay, no la. Something like that, but not that dramatic. She passed me my bag alright and I felt like hugging her for some weird reason (but better sense told me not to because I'm sure she would have punched me there and then if I did) so anyhoo. And I loved it when she told Olivia that her bag was still upstairs. Olivia's reaction was priceless! Okay, I know that I said I'll be nicer to Olivia but then again... HAHA! And it's really annoying to have Olivia say the pledge when she's behind me. Her whiny voice makes it hard for me to hear my own. Eegh. Better than having D behind me tho. Yupz. Er. Then what did we do? Oh yeah, we went to view PW. And the drama part was funny+a tad bit of confusing. I think th guy playing th girl was a damn good actor/actress! Reminded me of Keith and his Ahgua ways anyway. Er. Then had to walk around. Notm uch to see. All about water and stuff. Entire day was boringz! I think. I dont know. I can't really remember. Was it just yesterday that this happened? Er. Okay, should be. Damn, I need to take memory pills! Okay, then er. TuitioN! YUP! Funfun. No, actually the Math was making me lose my patience. It made NO sense at all Okay, maybe 3 quarts of sense. But not much sense. So annoying leh. But lucky for me, I was the fastest so uncle said I could just leave it. HA. And OH YEAH! Tuesday right. Derrick carried Ally (DOG) and brought her right to the face of HumanTwig (a.k.a. Zhimin) and he practically flew out of his chair cos he got freaked out. At first I felt sorry for him. But he really wouldn't stop calling me a monkey so I was super duper happy when Adelin did it to him again ytd. WASN'T THAT FUNNYYYYYYYYYYY? :D He's getting onm y nerves a hell lot now. Really wish he'd shut up. With the whole monkey business and maybe for the rest of his life. Annoys the hell out of me. Anyway. Played Monopoly. Aunty helped me a bitish. Cos most of the conversations about the game that involved me went like this: Valene: You want buy? Me: Er, okay? Valene: Want buy or not? Me: Uh. Okay la. I think. I had absolutely no idea what they were thinking when they swop or anything la. But in the end I got BOTH Mayfair and uh. The other blue one. After tuition went to eat rojak (sinful, I know, but I really curse the stallholders. Only open at night. Or else I could have gone after school w/Jasmine) but had to wait 1/2 hour. Uncle bought the porridge thingy and carrot cake. It was nice. Good thing about A+U is that they buy stuff I had never eaten before. (I know, shockingly, I've never tasted rojak/carrot cake in my entire 13 years of living. In Singapore.) Then we met Auntie's ex-students. Who were like 30. And I was like, er, Wow? No seriously! 30! And Auntie's only like... about 40+? WEIRD OKAY. But everytime we go to DFC we always meet somebody who knows Auntie. Or Uncle. Or both. First time was Alvan's ex-teacher in DHS. Second was Auntie's schoolmate. Now it's their ex-student. Ayhoo. We also did the bazaar preps that day (meaning ytd la). I HELPED IN THE BLOODY POINT THING OKAY, MRS ANG, IT WAS A JOINED COLLABORATION! Dammit. Then the prizes thing right, I did it, I put it on the chair, and some bloody turd threw it away. But we took it back anyway. Yup. Mrs Ang was like, 'thank god I have 7 girls in the class.' Damn right you are. I really wish it would rain. THe sky looks kind of blank but I REALLY want it to rain. Sun sun, go away, come again another dayyyyyyyyyyy. BAZAAR day was today. Moped around in the classroom for a bit before deciding that my phone's (nor my iPod's) battery could last me so I went to tlk to Jevon. Gave up on trying to learn how to lay Duelmasters. (I tried to learn only out of sheer boredom okay!) Then the boys got caught for playing cards. Jevon was the only one who got away scot-free. Ha. Went down. Helped out. Bought food. Helped out a bit more. Damn, I spent too much. Okay, er. Then persuaded some people to play. Jasmine and I ran from Georgina cos she tried to get us to buy fishball thingys. We bought french fries in the end. And and andddd. Er. What did I want to say? Oh yes, KEITH IS A MAGGOT. Stupid arse la. Somehow they had this 'fight' in the libs and they were throwing the toys around and I was supposedly (unknowingly, as well) the human shield of Keith's. Gee, great man. -Sneers- I am drifting in and out of sleep but I ahve dentist apointment later! EW. So eegh. Iwant to slepppp. And tmr got results slip and shiz. I want my iPod Nano, Dad. You HAVE to give it to me! Alright. Enough rants. Bbye.
!2:35 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Oh rutherford.
So weird eh, house meeting. Jasmine was taller than the group leader. And while we were all cheering right, I kept hearing SK's monotone voice. So... out of place. Ha. And I liked the rain this morning. I hope it rains again next morning. I think I liked this day. Sigh. I've been thinking a lot. I need to pen it all down, somehow. Anyway, we were discussing Giraffe during recess. And then * came and asked if she could sit with us. Excuze moi, but couldn't you have found a seat by YOURSELF? Afterall, I don't think you'd want to sit with a person such as me right? I'm loving Gwen for throwing my drink at her. And I think Aijing is insanely cute! When Gwen was like, 'Sorry, was aiming for -gestures-' then Aijing glared and then suddenly said, 'Your aiming sucks.' SO CUTE EH! Anyhoo, watched the movie in the hall. I didn't quite get it. And I might have cried if I wasn't laughing at Gwen. Bloody Alvin was sitting behind me, sleeping throughout the entire thing and the teacher walked past him without so much as glaring at him eh! WL. I was half expecting her to smack him on the head. Oh well, Alvin seemed to be in a bad mood tdy. Scary, Alvin, you are. Go sleep it off! Ugh, reading now. And I think it's stupid to only tell that Dumbledore is gay after the movie. Dude (J.K. Rowling)! What's the point? Anyhoo. Jasmine came over. And we lunched and well, actually I don't know what is it that we really did, but I do remember getting in the pool. Then when we were going back up right, MY MOM DROVE IN. And we were like, 'OH SHIT.' and I was banging the bloody slow lift door. Then I rushed into the toilet and came up witht he lie that we went jump roping so I wanted to bathe. And she bought it! Thank ye lords! Haha, anyhoo. Yup. Jasmine's pretty fun to be around w/. Anyhoo, tmr got the Northlight thing. Eegh. But I think I rather this location than some place like... Science Centre! Or Discovery Centre! Yeah man. I guess its loads better than SC/DC. Oh, and referring to the previous post, I really do hope you get the point. And to *+her budbud in XX, Please, shove off. You both are a buncha miserable idiots to think that way, see? Bbye.
!7:44 PM
I come in PEACE k!
jasmine:"all i want is peace:D" _|_ the change in you personality has bred STRIFE!!!!!!!! between you and your friends.WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU DUDE(tte)????? Crystal: Why did you change so muchhhhhhhhhz. Now you're a bitch and fake. Very fake. Okay, I know I said that I come in Peace but YOU ARE VERYYYY.... ER. how to say this nicely.... I DNO LA. But you changed a lot, thats for sure. You don't have to be a delinquent to just fit in you knowwwwwwww. You can be YOU, you know. Like, you used to be very nice and all but now you're being fake adn telling people LIES. Okay, in forms of compliments but they're still LIES. WAKE UP, YOU'RE PUSHING PEOPLE AWAY FROM YOU BY DOING THAT. Okay la, maybe you don't care if you push people away but I hate your changes and I think others do too. I can name a few now but yeah.,.. CHANGE BACK LA PLEASE. Remember! I come in PEACE and I CARE okay! (BTW: Jasmine has no idea what PEACE is by doing this _|_)
!1:23 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
 This is how they're to look like? (Jacob+Edward) Sigh. Well, not confirmed yet, tho. But still.
!7:02 PM
I swear, I'm in LOOOOOVE!
I love the Twilight series. I really do. Better still, I like how Edward sounds. I want to have a vampire boyfriend too. But the sad thing is, Jo informed me that Twilight+Sequel+Sequel's Sequel is a FAD. EWWWWW> But surprisingly, they have it on Wiki. And there's going to be a movie. Supposedly coming out in 2008 (According to IMDB) but 2010 (According to Jo+Ting). Can't wait can't wait can't wait! But I think it'll be impossible to get somebody to actually portray the entire Cullen clan. Sigh, fictional characters seem much better in fiction. Ha! I'm beginning to like the 4th book tho. Okay, the 4th book's first chapter, but I still like it. Interestingly nice. But why must it be a fad? So sad eh. Anyhoo. After tkd federation test we went to Bugis and shopped. I bought JM's present. Finally. Okay, bought New Moon. I think I was super duper happy to find it la. Was searching like crazy for it. Oh well. Went to Jo's house after that. Fun la, sort of. I don't know. I'm still out of it, nowadays. Jo says I'm not so crazy anymore. She meant that in a bad way though. Sigh. Still depressed-- a bit, Bbye.
!6:44 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Okay, lit marks are sucky. But my geog (very surprisingly) is the best among all of my marks. If I did calculate correctly (and the teacher wrong) then I'll get 84.5! AHAH. It's so omfg. Oh well. Nice to know my studying actually helped. But I sort of forgot everything now. And even if my calculations was wrong, I still get A1. AHAH. Yay man. So surreal. My two worst subs are my best during EOYs. Sadly, tho, I still can't have a new iPod Nano Red to call my own. ): Shall go bother Dad and see if I can trade something else for it. And I have to strike a work deal w/ Mom if I want to earn money this holiday. And....  OMFG, IT'S A TRANNY! Ha, no it's only the ever big-nosed Yutaki. His nose was so big he had hit it while he was teaching us the choreo okay. Weirdo man. And I had no idea until now but... Ishi is dead. No, like, really. Some banglah found him in his car and found out he was dead. So weird eh. Cos he's so emo. Then people thought he commited suicide, which I highly believe. I mean, if you read his blog right, he's fucking emo. And it happened... Oh. June 29th. Okay. Like, HAHA. I had no idea at all. Anyhoo, away from the subject of dead people, Jasmine got me to go to Dunman Food Court again. Wanted to eat rojak (it was awesome okay!) but it was only opened at night. SO we ate hokkien mee. Yumyum in the tumtum. Okay, haha, RETARD. Anyhoo. Time to TTFN. Bbye.
!3:42 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I am going to grow in a bad way.
I think tuition time after EOYs are th best. I mean it too. Well, had to do Math factorisation and risked overblowing my brain, but during english tuition we played monopoly, and I got srsly confused. Eh, very long never play alr okay! Actually I realise I only play it when I was at Charing's house (and on speaking terms w/ her and that was like, a decade ago! Hahah!) so anyhoo, yeah, got confused like anything but I wasn't the alst to die! Somehow I have to thank Zhimin for that. He gave up and gave me all of his stuff. Not much la, but at least I didn't die first! MUAHAAHA. Then it was Val's birthday so the snrs treated us to th cake. Zhimin specifically requested for a plate and fork whereas I was fine with eating with the napkin thing. There was a name for it, but I can't remember. OH! Serviette! Yeah! Haha. Nice cake. Anyhooooooooooooodles. Auntie brought me (and got uncle) to go to Dunman Food Court (AHAH JASMINE, we just went today!) then they ordered like loads of food then she plopped porridge in my bowl before I could say anything. Oh hoo. It was good. But I'm stuffed. Like, srsly stuffed. I'm going to get nightmares when I sleep! Talked to Jasmine tdy. Manda's not replying my email. Figures, she has the Os to worry about. Luck to her! Anyhoo, ate duck duck. And talked talked talked. Funfunfun. Mental note: stop it with the repeating. Ate ate ate. Haha. Anyhoo, yeah, tried to do loads of situps to make my muscles hurt but it didn't work cos I think I'm hurting my ass again, so I had to stop. D: Okay, time to go and overexercise myself so I can fall to sleep when I hit the bed. Bbye. Oh. And Math results were sucky.
!10:36 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Results schmesults
I realise I haven't been posting a lot since I'm online for half the time of the day. Oh wellz. Okay, lets see... My results are okay, I guess. History was pulled up from C5/6 to A1. Still happy about that, alright. Uhr, science was... okay but not good. Uncle said it was okay, since it wasn't far from the highest in the class. Whoop-dee-doo. English was horrendous. Hha, even ALVIN beat me eh! Anyway. I found out a very interesting news! :D And I'm happy bout it tooz. Daddy bought the iPod for MEZ. :D He only didn't tell me that cos my mom stopped him from doing so. But I found out frmo my mom. Ironic. Anyhoo! I get a new iPod! Well, I might. Oh well, killjoy. Went to parkway. Took stupid pic. Ate corndog. Walked in slight rain to Tkd. Stephanie didn't look happy to see me there. Okay, she didn't exactly look unwelcoming, but she was definitely giving me a look. So were the other instructors. Right.Tuition was funnoz. Not the math stuff. But making fun of Zhimin. And everyone believed that they got a new dog, when all they did was SHAVE HER BALD. Poor kid. I mean, dog. Looks naked w/out her fur. And 10 times smaller! Like some chihuahua. Her ears look freakishly huge without the fur to cover it either. I repeat. Poor dog. I realise I'm constantly energy-drained. Shall go do something un-energy draining. Right. That made sense. Anyhoo. Bbye.
!8:06 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
I had no idea...
That GG actually became a TV show. Haha. Serena's played a little... weirdly tho. Anyhoo. Kiwi came over. And I don't know why but both of us are super tired, like, dead beat tired. So zz eh! Tmr got dance. :D Talked loads at the poolside tho. Felt slightly better. :D Like, talk and talk and talk and talk. I sort of hurt something so now I can't do sit-ups. Hell, I can't even sit properly. Hurt a hell lot. Damn. And I don't even know how I hurt it in the first place!
!6:03 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Look! Look! Look at th bloody sky now. It looks like its going to rain, and I desperately hope it will. I mean, look at the bloody sun. It's been shining for all its worth since I woke up. Bloody hot weather. It made my weather widget screw so I actually thought it was going to be raining all day long today. Damn. Anyhoo. I fully intend on pigging tdy. I did for the whole morning, or actually the remainder of the morning when I woke up. Finally, EOYs are over. I bet everyone's like, going out now. FUNFUNFUN! Haha. I need to go out more, I think. Actually I just can't wait for the trip back to HK. Mom promised me to shop. :] Ytd was getting a bit depressed when walking. Maybe it was cos I was tired or something but I thought of something really depressing. And right now I'm thinking about it again and getting even more depressed. Sadly tho, nobody I'll talk to is online. Bbye people.
!12:59 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fun fun fun.
Something is horribly wrong with my wallet. Okay, expenses: 3.20+25.90+14= 43.10 And I set off with about 30 bucks. And yet I owe Ting 20 bucks. Weird. Okay, I'm kok. Anyway, apparently I was meant to go out today. Haha, I got th dates mixed up! So I rushed for Far East. Bought fried mars bar. Yumyum. Shopped and shiz. Nice shirt shop I found. I think its lovely. Got this one. Ting laughed like crazy when she knew I wanted to buy it. And when I was trying it on she tried to peep in, so I knocked her head hard. :D Dead tired, truthfully. We walked around a lot and a lot. Damn. Went parkway too. Tired tired tired. I don't think I can swim this Friday, Kiwi. D:
!8:50 PM
It's over, it's over
EOYs are over and we're all happy. :D Chinese ttly sucked. Eggs. Sucked eggs. Yes, they did. Almost had no time. Anyhow write and shit. Oh well. Say goodbye to any hope of getting a new iPod. D: Damn. Okay, er, well, time to go fun fun :D Bbye people.
!11:02 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Well aren't you oblivious?
While doing lit. my mind was totally blank. Like, srsly. Even I didn't understand what I was writing, so now I'm pretty much wondering if the marker will just chuck my papers away or laugh herself/himself silly while reading the incoherent words. Damn. Damn. Damn. And I didn't even know that there was listening for MT tdy. AN didn't even say ANYTHING about it so I had no idea. Zz. And people seemed surprised at my name AHEMsunshineAHEM. Eh, you fart, your name even wierder okay. Then Alvin, who's been sitting beside me since... I think semester started, also didn't know my chinese name. OLIVIOUS SPAZ. Okay, time to read fanfic. No time for chinese. HoHoHo. Bbye. :B
!11:51 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Haha, omg, Gwen, go wash your hair! Dozens and thousands of times, please!
Debbie should srsly stop digging her nose/rubbing her tummy/flicking her nose shit during exams. Lucky me, I sit BESIDE her. Not in front of her (unlike AHEMgwenAHEM) so therefore I won't be affected by her nose-shit-flicking habits. Haha. Gwen positively died on the spot when I told her. Anyhoo. I did ALL 5 questions. Damn. Didn't read the instructions. Oh well. Hopefully they just cancel the last question out for me. And I was stupidly thinking, 'Why the hell isn't there any diagram thing? I actually MEMORISE IT.' and then it actually came out. Damn. But apparently, I'm not the only one. And when Fiq asked Mrs Ang for a new sheet of paper when there was only left like, say, 50 seconds and counting back left, her face was something like this, :O or  . I'm not sure. Like a mix of both. Then when she said, okay's time's up, Fiq's head practically fell onto his table. Stayed up reading fanfic last night. Nice eh. Talked to Brenda over msn as well, I think Cedar's finished EOYs alr. Lucky bitch. Speaking of bitch, (No, Brenda, I said it in a non-bitchy way), click on this :OThat will be Jackie Beat, the homo rag who's as funny as hell. Just Click On It. Now. And I garauntee (sp.?) that you'll be laughing your pants off. Btw: He's a GUY. (AHAHA, JEVON! You ccan go look for boyfriends like him now!) Time to go read fanfic, Bbye. P.s. Just a tip, never study at home w/ friends, Cannot concentrate AT ALL. Jasmine was fascinated yet scared w/ cooke ytd.
!11:00 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
So screwed up. Science sucked. I freaked out. Lost my sense of reasoning. It didn't even occur to me to measure the squares for the thing. So I could find the magnification. Damn damn damnnnnnnnnnnnnnz. So now I can only pin my hopes on the other subs. Okay, who the hell am I kidding? This exam overall is going to S-u-c-k with a capital S. Sheesh man. So pissed over it. And the fact that its so fucking hot makes matters worst. I'm never in a good mood on a hot day. Just save the hot sun for Friday, pleaseeeeeeeee? Let it rain rain and rain from tdy to Thurs. :D Molin was totally screwed. Shouldn't have gone in the first place. They teach REDUNDANT stuff. And that Joshua is sucha goody-two. He was like, 'I realise the people in your class talk in english instead of chinese. In my class we all have to talk chinese or else we'll have to chao xie (HAHA. YOU GET AHBER.)' to the teacher and blah blah blah on how she's got a right to scold us. HA. I'd like to see her try. Oh yes, click on Ahber's name. Not sure if it's her real friendster or what but wtv. Damn you la. Piss off. Wouldn't it be cool if it snowed in SG? FUN FUN FUN. I wouldn't mind a hurricane or anything. :D I am so missing HK now. It's usually dead-assed cold in Nov-Dec.
!11:21 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
That's it. My math is going to go down down down, to the bottom of the sea and plunge so badly even poo revolts it. D: Don't know what got into me. Freaked in the middle of the exam. Changed an answer that was actually correct at first. Damn damn damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnz. And I did the volume question cos I didn't want to do number patterns. God, I pray to you, PLEASE ENSURE THAT I GOT ALL OF THE ANSWERS CORRECT. At least for Section B. And if they're wrong, destroy the answer sheet in flames. Please please. Pleeeeeeeeeeese. Amen. Okay, enough of praying. Jasmine came over to study. We did, study a bit. Talked about kindegarten. Ate lunch. Played w/ Cookie. Watched CSI! It seems to be the only thing worth living for on TV now. Okay, need to go sleep now. Must sleep. Bbye.
!10:00 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Oy! Close your mouth.
My dad called me from his work, asking me which iPod I want and what colour. He reminded me of Jasmine's dad for some reason. Only her's was about a supplementary card. Mine's about something way more important! Him: But if I bought it your mother will kill me. Me: I know, but not me what. Him: Oy! So what colour you want? Me: I dno. It looks ugly. Him: If you see it upclose it looks nice. Me: Oh. Him: What about iPod touch? Me: Only one color. Him: Yeah. How about iPod nano? Me: I said it looks ugly. What about iPod classic? Him: No, that's too big. Me: But it's capacity is huge. Him: Oh well. But even if I buy it it'll be for me. Me: OY! Him: Oy! me for what. Okay, got to go back to work now. Bye. Me: -stares blankly at the phone before jabbing the off button- Seriously. Which dad will call their daughter (who was doing math stuff for the ever-imporant EXAMS) from work just to ask them on which iPod they want then later tell them it'll be for themselves anyway? Okay, mine would. Sheezers! I mean, look at the choices! Seriously people, let's think! Okay, let's get back to tdy. Horrible thing. I didn't exactly know what I was doing. Just writing. And writing. And being annoyed by Mr. Haw who peered over my shoulder reading my answers a few times. 'Excuse me but I don't like middle-aged men with receding hair to hover and read my answers very much, thank you.' Eric cheateeeeeeed! Haha, he wrote his last blank of words after Mr Haw said to stop. Gwen's got loads of free time during exams. My seat is so absurdly hot. No fan. No window-accesible route. D: Positively roastful in there. Oh well. The more exams over, the happier I am. I like this old song. Teenagers. Haha, yes. I suddenly found it cute. Oh wellz. Time to go back to doing algebra or something. D:
!2:00 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Make a citizen outta you.
Harloz. I screwed up my History test. (THANKS JASMINE.) She told me no hyphen thus I didn't put a hyphen, which will minus maybe an entire mark? Okay, don't care much. At least History's over. Only left Geog and maybe Science to worry about. Or maybe Lit. Dno. Studying Lit with Jas on Sunday. But this time I won't listen to anything she says, now will I? HA-HA. Went for Macs. Yumyum. But I was so full I skipped lunch. So un-like me. BUt whatever, didn't really feel like eating. Watched Harry Potty #2. Can't find the #3/#4 movie DVD. D: I think I lost it. Oh well. Time to get Daddy to go buy it. Okay, I don't know what's wrong with me and whats the cause for my sudden HP obsession. Oh well. The book was nice. OH YES, I know now. Cos I got Alvin to buy me the 7th book and thus I got hooked onto it. How interesting. Stubbed my toe just now. Actually its like the ball of my feet. The one right under my big toe. Ouch ouch ouch. A bruise there now, actually. And the whole thing went numb. Damn. -sigh- Talking to Jasmine is actually very nice. We sat at Macs from 10-12 talking about random stuff. And there were loads of TKG people. All talking and laughing and... Well, laughing somemore. Except for Sze Pui. Saw her, but she's all alone, as usual. She's always been a loner, during primary school. Anyhoo. I walked back home! :D Don't know why. I think it's cos I didn't want to wait for the bus. 16 takes a long time to come. So anyhoo. Mommy bought eclaires and stuff. Then I pissed her off without meaning to. Sheesh man. Study study study. Lter got tuition. Damn. Sigh. Damn x2. Bbye people. Have fun mugging. (Hur-Har, yeah right.)
!4:59 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
bloody comp.
I have no idea why but my computer's internet speed is pissifyingly slow. Like, S-L-O-W. Sheesh. Okay, I think its rioting against me so that I'd study. Singapore History is actually a lot easier than the other textbook. Dno why, tho. All very messy notes and stuff. Sigh, okay, lets talk about ytd! I left my mac on for the entire time I was out. Like, I didn't make it to stand-by mode. Maybe thats why the thing's so fried now. Okay, should go off it later. Anyhoo. Went to Kiwi's house (I TOOK THE BUS THERE! BY MYSELF! FIRST TIME! SO PROUD OF ME.) Studied. A bit. Okay, we couldn't exactly study cos we were all distracted and tired and stuff. Well, it was fun. By the time I got back home I still ahd to bathe and everythng and I was tired like fucking shit. Oh wellz. Ate sushi. Yumyum. School was horrid. D: I don't like the compo stuff. Like, on Wed we read those compos from other schools? Like those really nice ones? Yeah. There were about 5 of them that had the title: GETTING AHEAD, which was one of the titles in our compo selection but I didn't really read ANY of them. DAMN DAMN DAMN. -Screams like a lunatic- Shall go calm myself w/ chocolate. Bbye :B
!12:28 PM
femme fatale
Bang!Crystal Yiu
Turning 14 on 3rd August
Tanjong Katong Sec, 1C 2007, 2C 2008
Huh no, if I seem offensive to you then stay away.
Loves Peanut Butter, laughing, dancing, candid photos, bestoz, iPod, toast, shopping, MacBook, bags, oversized sunnies, rainy/windy/overcast days, catalogues, popart, cameras, strawberry jam, music, gossip blogs, deviantART, Cookie, badminton, telly, baking, travelling, apple strudel
Tunes Yael Naim, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Cartel, Soho Dolls, Rihanna, The Bravery, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Lily Allen, The Virgins, Two Hours Traffic, The Veronicas, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Feist, Bowling For Soup, The Fratellis, The Fray, Gwen Stefani, Joss Stone, Justin Timberlake, Kaiser Chiefs, The Killers, Linkin Park, Nelly Furtado, Timberland, Rachael Yamagata, Sugar Ray, Stefy, Kylie Minogue
Telly CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, House, Gossip Girl, Drake & Josh, Danny Phantom, Fear Factor, Heroes, 8 Simple Rules, Hope & Faith, Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Oh mickey you're so fine
Polaroid Instant Backing for Holga
Coloursplash Flash
Fisheye Lens for Holga
Gap cardigan
Trip to the U.S
MacBook OS X Leopard
A non-fugly pencilcase
insert more superficial stuff here
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
And I'm still standing.
Me: Can you stop whining? Zhimin: Then I'll moan.
Spoken on 31st Oct '07, approximately 7-7.30p.m.Stupid git. Trust him to learn how to moan from his sir. And he didn't even know how to pronounce moan properly! Then he wrote it on a piece of paper and asked Matt how to pronounce it. Stupid or what? And he still won't shut it about the monkey jokes. I really wish auntie wil just let us use Ally on him for once! Or twice. Or maybe a gazillion times. But really, his reaction was utterly priceless. Took bus home. There were like a dozen malay people then some of them were smoking. Eegh. I will die an impassive smoker, if not by anything else, I'm sure of it. Even when we were jay walking they were still fooling around. Bus ride back home was nice. I should ride the bus back more often. Or maybe not. Ha. Bbye.
!10:38 PM
Happy Halloween, Weeners! :D Tdy has been a total well. SLow day. Woke up at 11 plus. Decided to skip breakfast, but made brownies! Slightly burnt tho. Okay, I need to get the correct recipe. Ha. Alright. I like last night. I think. My brownies look nowhere like they're supposed to. This is how they are SUPPOSED to look like:  But instead, they look like some burnt bad block. Shan't post the picture. Too ashamed too! Ha! Alrighy, er, lets see. I like tdy tho. Yes, I do. I'm loving it! Okay, actually idk yeah. Bloody tired. I want to move to canadaaaaaaaaaaa. It seems nice. No, actually I just want to go to tkd. It was fun. BBye.
!3:14 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm starting over new, cos I'm not even there.
Hook Me Up is sucha nice song. Really. Video's so cool as well. Glad I went to tkd. It was fun. Learnt the correct side kick. Haiya. Min cannot hold the target thing correctly. I think that J is a nice person. Shall go talk to her next week. Learned first 7 steps to my yellow tip pattern thing. Don't you find it fun fun fun? :D Sort of okay now, I guess. Well, I still need Manda. Bbye.
!9:40 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
To Jerome+Whoever else:  You are ruddy stupid, if you think that I'm the only one who feels that way, see? And also, get your facts right. You can find out about Jack P's on the net. Giraffe doesn't listen to the same music as me. Do you even know who we're talking about or not! PLEASE LA. And an email including bananas is common. Look at *'s! It's bananabongs or something. SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT CAN. And no, wouldn't that be weird to go looking for you? YES IT WILL, alrigh, so shove off la. Not happy then blog about it. I don't tell my friends about her. What for? Not a big deal, y'know. And I know you practically love her. Bitch about us too, if you find it so unfair. And its no point if you like the roboz or not. Your P.O.V. is pretty irrelevant, alrigh//. And I don't even bother if you're nice or not. And if you sing offtune, you wont be able to get into choir, bozo. (BTW, nobody wears bell bottoms now, right.) Gazillions of cheers for Jasmine+(:, for posting back. Love you both lodz. Yes, Jasmine, we all know you're nice. _________________________________________________________ Anyhoo. Tdy went to see doc. HA, he told me I could go swimming. Went plaza. Sent dad to airport. Went to Parkway. Ah, boring shiz la. Got dizzy cos everywhere was things. And it looked super confusing. Ha. And then it rained. Bloody hell. Rained eh. So shitty. Floodzoid at the exit thing. Coolio. Then went t Jo's house. And we basically did a hell load of stuff. Fun fun! And Janessa reminds me of cin after a while. Going her house tmr as well! :D Gna swim. I want to swim at 6 or something, when the water's goddamnedly cold and maybe I can freezeover (WOULDNT THAT BE COOL!) but no, Jo can't wake up that early. So we settled for 9. Better wake up, pole. Righ, lov Jo. Agh, ew. No, not sad. Am I? No la. A tinsy bit. _+_, dont be sad no more k, please? :D/D:From Jo. Q: NAME A FRIEND WHO'S NAMES STARTS WITH A 'S' A: Er. Sandra! Q: 4TH PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALLS A: Mom. Q: WHAT DID THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED SAY? A: No la XD Q: DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS? A: Sometimes. Q: DO YOU HAVE CURLY HAIR? A: Friz la. Q: WHAT IS THE NEXT CONCERT YOU'RE GOING TO? A: Nada. Q: WHOS THE COOLEST PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? A: Er. People. Q: WHAT WORDS DO YOU SAY ALOT? A: Er/uh Q: WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? A: Crayfish? Or fruit. I think fruit. No, ice. YES ICE. Q: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID TO SOMEONE AND WHO WAS IT? A: Oh, sorry. To mom. Q: DO YOU WATCH TV? A: Yes, I do, unlike people like AHEMjoAHEM. Q: HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE, DONNIEDARKO? A: Sounds spaz. Q: EVER BEEN HUNTING? A: Wouldn't that be nice. Q: IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE? A: Prolly not. Q: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, ''I LOVE YOU'' AND MEANT IT? A: Er. I don't really know. Er. OH, JO!. Q: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW? A: Sleeping, I think. No, actually I should be using the computer. Q: DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? A: Crys. Q: DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? A: That's dumb. Q: WHO'S THE YOUNGEST ONE IN THE FAMILY? A: Cin. Q: IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE? A: Unless you like being stoned. Q: DO YOU CLEAN UP NICE? A: Er, depends. Q: LAST TIME YOU USED A SKATEBOARD? A: Ha, like year ago! Q: WHERE WAS THE LAST PLACE YOU SLEPT BESIDES YOUR HOUSE? A: Car. Q: EVER RUN OUT OF GAS ON THE ROAD A: Sounds fun. Q: BEST MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS? A: I want to watch game plan la. No actually it was Nanny Diaries. But its over. Q: WHO DO YOU TRUST THE MOST? A: Er. Not really sure? Jo, I guess. No wait, A to the manda. :D Q: DO YOU THINK PEOPLE WHO COME UP WITH BRAIN DEAD QUIZZES ARE CRYING FOR HELP IN SOME TWISTED WAY? A: No, I just think they have too much spare time and should go liven up the calendar. Or else, they should create trouble for mean people! LAST 1) person you saw: Mom. 2) talked to on the phone: Mom. 3) hugged: Er. I really don't rmbr. OH SHIZ, hug in need! 4) person you texted: Jo. TODAY 1) date: 28th October 2007 2) plans: Was supposedly swimming. But changed cos of ruddy rain. 3) dislikes about tomorrow: Nth la. Tkd maybe? CURRENTLY 1) missing someone: Nope. Just feeling tinsy screwed up. 2) mood: Screwed up. No, actually I'm sleepy. TRUE OR FALSE I am a morning person: False. I have a morning face alrigh. I am a perfectionist: Depends I am an only child: I wish. I am currently in my pajamas: Untrue. I am online 24/7: Nope. I am very shy around the opposite gender: Er, no. Not really. I can be paranoid: Yes. I currently regret something that I have done: Partly. I enjoy talking on the phone: W/ nice people. I have a lot to learn: I'm not even 20 yet. I have a secret: Doesn't everybody? 5 people to do this: Kiwi. Gwen. Ting. Jo. (Even tho they both did it already :D). Ha. MANDA. But with her Os cannot la. Luck for them, btw. Alrigh, bbye.
!10:30 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
You are looking at the proud owner of a...
iPod Nano! Yup, dad gave it to me this morning when I was making my toast. YZERS. Spent about my entire free time tdy to get in the album artwork. Dance was nice, tdy. Yutaki actually choreo-d a dance that I liked. And he asked me how come I always stand at the side. And I realise Brian's cologne smells a lot like perfume. ALRIGH, moving on! Anyway, ballet was. I dno. ANNETTE LEW! COME TO BALLET LA, MRS SKIPP IS LIKE SUPER PISSIFIED W/ YOU. Yup, until then, I'm partnered w/ Symone, who's so tall for a p5. I think she's p5. Or is she p6? Oh wait, P6. But still! She's taller than me eh! Alrigh, Crystal, start jumping more rope. I need to grow taller, really, seriously. Made a new skin but have yet to use it yet. I likey it. :D My cold seems to be trying to kill me. My throat's a killer. Fun day w/ Jo tmr. :D Bbye.
!9:17 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
this has got to be the worst day of my life.
Well, physically wise. I'm feeling bloated, for some unknown reason. My throat's hurting. My teeth hurt cos Mr. Dentist put the stretchy bands on them and now all my food is half-chewed. I have an ulcer at the worst place ever. I'm feeling lethargic. I feel a bit like puking. But I really hate puking. My eyes are tired, my head is spinning and well, I just feel HORRIBLE today. Yeah, but school was fine. I cleaned windows! We all did. The first time for me. And well, it was okay I guess. Dirty. Actually. Very dirty. Our class must be the most vandalised. More people what. Ha. Anyhoo. Recess was a... weird one. Queues never seemed to shorten and all that shiz. And I couldn't eat. I only drank Yakult and a bottle of water. I hate my braces right now. Hate. H-A-T-E. Anyhoo. Er, what did we do? Oh yes, stone. I think. I can't really remember. I can only think of the pain in my teeth. Ouch ouch ouchhhhhhz. Er, got back report book and shiz. I MUST get my iPod nano. I think I should go jump rope now. Despite me feeling feverish. I'm really getting pissed now. Pissed pissed pissed. Okay, I hate this day alright? HATE. Damn, okay, er, bye.
!6:58 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh damn. I realise I lost all my passwords for my past emails. Shitty bittys. I also lost my password for my tagboard and shiz. Shit shit shit. Anyone know how to get the password back?
!3:07 PM
Two Days, Too Long.
Helloz. I am uber tired. Mainly cos I went jump roping for almost 30 mins. Tired like shit okay. So let's do what smart people do: When tired, glue yourself to the chair and blog. Okay, er, let's blog about ytd! Fun la. We had no idea to bring down our bags so when we found out the music was already playing and 7/8s of the 3 cohorts were down already so we were like, 'shit la.' But then! -DUM DUM DUM DUM DE DUM!- Flowerwoman Jasmine flew down using a huge frangipani as a huge umbrella (think Mary Poppin's style) and handed me my bag! Okay, no la. Something like that, but not that dramatic. She passed me my bag alright and I felt like hugging her for some weird reason (but better sense told me not to because I'm sure she would have punched me there and then if I did) so anyhoo. And I loved it when she told Olivia that her bag was still upstairs. Olivia's reaction was priceless! Okay, I know that I said I'll be nicer to Olivia but then again... HAHA! And it's really annoying to have Olivia say the pledge when she's behind me. Her whiny voice makes it hard for me to hear my own. Eegh. Better than having D behind me tho. Yupz. Er. Then what did we do? Oh yeah, we went to view PW. And the drama part was funny+a tad bit of confusing. I think th guy playing th girl was a damn good actor/actress! Reminded me of Keith and his Ahgua ways anyway. Er. Then had to walk around. Notm uch to see. All about water and stuff. Entire day was boringz! I think. I dont know. I can't really remember. Was it just yesterday that this happened? Er. Okay, should be. Damn, I need to take memory pills! Okay, then er. TuitioN! YUP! Funfun. No, actually the Math was making me lose my patience. It made NO sense at all Okay, maybe 3 quarts of sense. But not much sense. So annoying leh. But lucky for me, I was the fastest so uncle said I could just leave it. HA. And OH YEAH! Tuesday right. Derrick carried Ally (DOG) and brought her right to the face of HumanTwig (a.k.a. Zhimin) and he practically flew out of his chair cos he got freaked out. At first I felt sorry for him. But he really wouldn't stop calling me a monkey so I was super duper happy when Adelin did it to him again ytd. WASN'T THAT FUNNYYYYYYYYYYY? :D He's getting onm y nerves a hell lot now. Really wish he'd shut up. With the whole monkey business and maybe for the rest of his life. Annoys the hell out of me. Anyway. Played Monopoly. Aunty helped me a bitish. Cos most of the conversations about the game that involved me went like this: Valene: You want buy? Me: Er, okay? Valene: Want buy or not? Me: Uh. Okay la. I think. I had absolutely no idea what they were thinking when they swop or anything la. But in the end I got BOTH Mayfair and uh. The other blue one. After tuition went to eat rojak (sinful, I know, but I really curse the stallholders. Only open at night. Or else I could have gone after school w/Jasmine) but had to wait 1/2 hour. Uncle bought the porridge thingy and carrot cake. It was nice. Good thing about A+U is that they buy stuff I had never eaten before. (I know, shockingly, I've never tasted rojak/carrot cake in my entire 13 years of living. In Singapore.) Then we met Auntie's ex-students. Who were like 30. And I was like, er, Wow? No seriously! 30! And Auntie's only like... about 40+? WEIRD OKAY. But everytime we go to DFC we always meet somebody who knows Auntie. Or Uncle. Or both. First time was Alvan's ex-teacher in DHS. Second was Auntie's schoolmate. Now it's their ex-student. Ayhoo. We also did the bazaar preps that day (meaning ytd la). I HELPED IN THE BLOODY POINT THING OKAY, MRS ANG, IT WAS A JOINED COLLABORATION! Dammit. Then the prizes thing right, I did it, I put it on the chair, and some bloody turd threw it away. But we took it back anyway. Yup. Mrs Ang was like, 'thank god I have 7 girls in the class.' Damn right you are. I really wish it would rain. THe sky looks kind of blank but I REALLY want it to rain. Sun sun, go away, come again another dayyyyyyyyyyy. BAZAAR day was today. Moped around in the classroom for a bit before deciding that my phone's (nor my iPod's) battery could last me so I went to tlk to Jevon. Gave up on trying to learn how to lay Duelmasters. (I tried to learn only out of sheer boredom okay!) Then the boys got caught for playing cards. Jevon was the only one who got away scot-free. Ha. Went down. Helped out. Bought food. Helped out a bit more. Damn, I spent too much. Okay, er. Then persuaded some people to play. Jasmine and I ran from Georgina cos she tried to get us to buy fishball thingys. We bought french fries in the end. And and andddd. Er. What did I want to say? Oh yes, KEITH IS A MAGGOT. Stupid arse la. Somehow they had this 'fight' in the libs and they were throwing the toys around and I was supposedly (unknowingly, as well) the human shield of Keith's. Gee, great man. -Sneers- I am drifting in and out of sleep but I ahve dentist apointment later! EW. So eegh. Iwant to slepppp. And tmr got results slip and shiz. I want my iPod Nano, Dad. You HAVE to give it to me! Alright. Enough rants. Bbye.
!2:35 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Oh rutherford.
So weird eh, house meeting. Jasmine was taller than the group leader. And while we were all cheering right, I kept hearing SK's monotone voice. So... out of place. Ha. And I liked the rain this morning. I hope it rains again next morning. I think I liked this day. Sigh. I've been thinking a lot. I need to pen it all down, somehow. Anyway, we were discussing Giraffe during recess. And then * came and asked if she could sit with us. Excuze moi, but couldn't you have found a seat by YOURSELF? Afterall, I don't think you'd want to sit with a person such as me right? I'm loving Gwen for throwing my drink at her. And I think Aijing is insanely cute! When Gwen was like, 'Sorry, was aiming for -gestures-' then Aijing glared and then suddenly said, 'Your aiming sucks.' SO CUTE EH! Anyhoo, watched the movie in the hall. I didn't quite get it. And I might have cried if I wasn't laughing at Gwen. Bloody Alvin was sitting behind me, sleeping throughout the entire thing and the teacher walked past him without so much as glaring at him eh! WL. I was half expecting her to smack him on the head. Oh well, Alvin seemed to be in a bad mood tdy. Scary, Alvin, you are. Go sleep it off! Ugh, reading now. And I think it's stupid to only tell that Dumbledore is gay after the movie. Dude (J.K. Rowling)! What's the point? Anyhoo. Jasmine came over. And we lunched and well, actually I don't know what is it that we really did, but I do remember getting in the pool. Then when we were going back up right, MY MOM DROVE IN. And we were like, 'OH SHIT.' and I was banging the bloody slow lift door. Then I rushed into the toilet and came up witht he lie that we went jump roping so I wanted to bathe. And she bought it! Thank ye lords! Haha, anyhoo. Yup. Jasmine's pretty fun to be around w/. Anyhoo, tmr got the Northlight thing. Eegh. But I think I rather this location than some place like... Science Centre! Or Discovery Centre! Yeah man. I guess its loads better than SC/DC. Oh, and referring to the previous post, I really do hope you get the point. And to *+her budbud in XX, Please, shove off. You both are a buncha miserable idiots to think that way, see? Bbye.
!7:44 PM
I come in PEACE k!
jasmine:"all i want is peace:D" _|_ the change in you personality has bred STRIFE!!!!!!!! between you and your friends.WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU DUDE(tte)????? Crystal: Why did you change so muchhhhhhhhhz. Now you're a bitch and fake. Very fake. Okay, I know I said that I come in Peace but YOU ARE VERYYYY.... ER. how to say this nicely.... I DNO LA. But you changed a lot, thats for sure. You don't have to be a delinquent to just fit in you knowwwwwwww. You can be YOU, you know. Like, you used to be very nice and all but now you're being fake adn telling people LIES. Okay, in forms of compliments but they're still LIES. WAKE UP, YOU'RE PUSHING PEOPLE AWAY FROM YOU BY DOING THAT. Okay la, maybe you don't care if you push people away but I hate your changes and I think others do too. I can name a few now but yeah.,.. CHANGE BACK LA PLEASE. Remember! I come in PEACE and I CARE okay! (BTW: Jasmine has no idea what PEACE is by doing this _|_)
!1:23 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
 This is how they're to look like? (Jacob+Edward) Sigh. Well, not confirmed yet, tho. But still.
!7:02 PM
I swear, I'm in LOOOOOVE!
I love the Twilight series. I really do. Better still, I like how Edward sounds. I want to have a vampire boyfriend too. But the sad thing is, Jo informed me that Twilight+Sequel+Sequel's Sequel is a FAD. EWWWWW> But surprisingly, they have it on Wiki. And there's going to be a movie. Supposedly coming out in 2008 (According to IMDB) but 2010 (According to Jo+Ting). Can't wait can't wait can't wait! But I think it'll be impossible to get somebody to actually portray the entire Cullen clan. Sigh, fictional characters seem much better in fiction. Ha! I'm beginning to like the 4th book tho. Okay, the 4th book's first chapter, but I still like it. Interestingly nice. But why must it be a fad? So sad eh. Anyhoo. After tkd federation test we went to Bugis and shopped. I bought JM's present. Finally. Okay, bought New Moon. I think I was super duper happy to find it la. Was searching like crazy for it. Oh well. Went to Jo's house after that. Fun la, sort of. I don't know. I'm still out of it, nowadays. Jo says I'm not so crazy anymore. She meant that in a bad way though. Sigh. Still depressed-- a bit, Bbye.
!6:44 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Okay, lit marks are sucky. But my geog (very surprisingly) is the best among all of my marks. If I did calculate correctly (and the teacher wrong) then I'll get 84.5! AHAH. It's so omfg. Oh well. Nice to know my studying actually helped. But I sort of forgot everything now. And even if my calculations was wrong, I still get A1. AHAH. Yay man. So surreal. My two worst subs are my best during EOYs. Sadly, tho, I still can't have a new iPod Nano Red to call my own. ): Shall go bother Dad and see if I can trade something else for it. And I have to strike a work deal w/ Mom if I want to earn money this holiday. And....  OMFG, IT'S A TRANNY! Ha, no it's only the ever big-nosed Yutaki. His nose was so big he had hit it while he was teaching us the choreo okay. Weirdo man. And I had no idea until now but... Ishi is dead. No, like, really. Some banglah found him in his car and found out he was dead. So weird eh. Cos he's so emo. Then people thought he commited suicide, which I highly believe. I mean, if you read his blog right, he's fucking emo. And it happened... Oh. June 29th. Okay. Like, HAHA. I had no idea at all. Anyhoo, away from the subject of dead people, Jasmine got me to go to Dunman Food Court again. Wanted to eat rojak (it was awesome okay!) but it was only opened at night. SO we ate hokkien mee. Yumyum in the tumtum. Okay, haha, RETARD. Anyhoo. Time to TTFN. Bbye.
!3:42 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I am going to grow in a bad way.
I think tuition time after EOYs are th best. I mean it too. Well, had to do Math factorisation and risked overblowing my brain, but during english tuition we played monopoly, and I got srsly confused. Eh, very long never play alr okay! Actually I realise I only play it when I was at Charing's house (and on speaking terms w/ her and that was like, a decade ago! Hahah!) so anyhoo, yeah, got confused like anything but I wasn't the alst to die! Somehow I have to thank Zhimin for that. He gave up and gave me all of his stuff. Not much la, but at least I didn't die first! MUAHAAHA. Then it was Val's birthday so the snrs treated us to th cake. Zhimin specifically requested for a plate and fork whereas I was fine with eating with the napkin thing. There was a name for it, but I can't remember. OH! Serviette! Yeah! Haha. Nice cake. Anyhooooooooooooodles. Auntie brought me (and got uncle) to go to Dunman Food Court (AHAH JASMINE, we just went today!) then they ordered like loads of food then she plopped porridge in my bowl before I could say anything. Oh hoo. It was good. But I'm stuffed. Like, srsly stuffed. I'm going to get nightmares when I sleep! Talked to Jasmine tdy. Manda's not replying my email. Figures, she has the Os to worry about. Luck to her! Anyhoo, ate duck duck. And talked talked talked. Funfunfun. Mental note: stop it with the repeating. Ate ate ate. Haha. Anyhoo, yeah, tried to do loads of situps to make my muscles hurt but it didn't work cos I think I'm hurting my ass again, so I had to stop. D: Okay, time to go and overexercise myself so I can fall to sleep when I hit the bed. Bbye. Oh. And Math results were sucky.
!10:36 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Results schmesults
I realise I haven't been posting a lot since I'm online for half the time of the day. Oh wellz. Okay, lets see... My results are okay, I guess. History was pulled up from C5/6 to A1. Still happy about that, alright. Uhr, science was... okay but not good. Uncle said it was okay, since it wasn't far from the highest in the class. Whoop-dee-doo. English was horrendous. Hha, even ALVIN beat me eh! Anyway. I found out a very interesting news! :D And I'm happy bout it tooz. Daddy bought the iPod for MEZ. :D He only didn't tell me that cos my mom stopped him from doing so. But I found out frmo my mom. Ironic. Anyhoo! I get a new iPod! Well, I might. Oh well, killjoy. Went to parkway. Took stupid pic. Ate corndog. Walked in slight rain to Tkd. Stephanie didn't look happy to see me there. Okay, she didn't exactly look unwelcoming, but she was definitely giving me a look. So were the other instructors. Right.Tuition was funnoz. Not the math stuff. But making fun of Zhimin. And everyone believed that they got a new dog, when all they did was SHAVE HER BALD. Poor kid. I mean, dog. Looks naked w/out her fur. And 10 times smaller! Like some chihuahua. Her ears look freakishly huge without the fur to cover it either. I repeat. Poor dog. I realise I'm constantly energy-drained. Shall go do something un-energy draining. Right. That made sense. Anyhoo. Bbye.
!8:06 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
I had no idea...
That GG actually became a TV show. Haha. Serena's played a little... weirdly tho. Anyhoo. Kiwi came over. And I don't know why but both of us are super tired, like, dead beat tired. So zz eh! Tmr got dance. :D Talked loads at the poolside tho. Felt slightly better. :D Like, talk and talk and talk and talk. I sort of hurt something so now I can't do sit-ups. Hell, I can't even sit properly. Hurt a hell lot. Damn. And I don't even know how I hurt it in the first place!
!6:03 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Look! Look! Look at th bloody sky now. It looks like its going to rain, and I desperately hope it will. I mean, look at the bloody sun. It's been shining for all its worth since I woke up. Bloody hot weather. It made my weather widget screw so I actually thought it was going to be raining all day long today. Damn. Anyhoo. I fully intend on pigging tdy. I did for the whole morning, or actually the remainder of the morning when I woke up. Finally, EOYs are over. I bet everyone's like, going out now. FUNFUNFUN! Haha. I need to go out more, I think. Actually I just can't wait for the trip back to HK. Mom promised me to shop. :] Ytd was getting a bit depressed when walking. Maybe it was cos I was tired or something but I thought of something really depressing. And right now I'm thinking about it again and getting even more depressed. Sadly tho, nobody I'll talk to is online. Bbye people.
!12:59 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fun fun fun.
Something is horribly wrong with my wallet. Okay, expenses: 3.20+25.90+14= 43.10 And I set off with about 30 bucks. And yet I owe Ting 20 bucks. Weird. Okay, I'm kok. Anyway, apparently I was meant to go out today. Haha, I got th dates mixed up! So I rushed for Far East. Bought fried mars bar. Yumyum. Shopped and shiz. Nice shirt shop I found. I think its lovely. Got this one. Ting laughed like crazy when she knew I wanted to buy it. And when I was trying it on she tried to peep in, so I knocked her head hard. :D Dead tired, truthfully. We walked around a lot and a lot. Damn. Went parkway too. Tired tired tired. I don't think I can swim this Friday, Kiwi. D:
!8:50 PM
It's over, it's over
EOYs are over and we're all happy. :D Chinese ttly sucked. Eggs. Sucked eggs. Yes, they did. Almost had no time. Anyhow write and shit. Oh well. Say goodbye to any hope of getting a new iPod. D: Damn. Okay, er, well, time to go fun fun :D Bbye people.
!11:02 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Well aren't you oblivious?
While doing lit. my mind was totally blank. Like, srsly. Even I didn't understand what I was writing, so now I'm pretty much wondering if the marker will just chuck my papers away or laugh herself/himself silly while reading the incoherent words. Damn. Damn. Damn. And I didn't even know that there was listening for MT tdy. AN didn't even say ANYTHING about it so I had no idea. Zz. And people seemed surprised at my name AHEMsunshineAHEM. Eh, you fart, your name even wierder okay. Then Alvin, who's been sitting beside me since... I think semester started, also didn't know my chinese name. OLIVIOUS SPAZ. Okay, time to read fanfic. No time for chinese. HoHoHo. Bbye. :B
!11:51 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Haha, omg, Gwen, go wash your hair! Dozens and thousands of times, please!
Debbie should srsly stop digging her nose/rubbing her tummy/flicking her nose shit during exams. Lucky me, I sit BESIDE her. Not in front of her (unlike AHEMgwenAHEM) so therefore I won't be affected by her nose-shit-flicking habits. Haha. Gwen positively died on the spot when I told her. Anyhoo. I did ALL 5 questions. Damn. Didn't read the instructions. Oh well. Hopefully they just cancel the last question out for me. And I was stupidly thinking, 'Why the hell isn't there any diagram thing? I actually MEMORISE IT.' and then it actually came out. Damn. But apparently, I'm not the only one. And when Fiq asked Mrs Ang for a new sheet of paper when there was only left like, say, 50 seconds and counting back left, her face was something like this, :O or  . I'm not sure. Like a mix of both. Then when she said, okay's time's up, Fiq's head practically fell onto his table. Stayed up reading fanfic last night. Nice eh. Talked to Brenda over msn as well, I think Cedar's finished EOYs alr. Lucky bitch. Speaking of bitch, (No, Brenda, I said it in a non-bitchy way), click on this :OThat will be Jackie Beat, the homo rag who's as funny as hell. Just Click On It. Now. And I garauntee (sp.?) that you'll be laughing your pants off. Btw: He's a GUY. (AHAHA, JEVON! You ccan go look for boyfriends like him now!) Time to go read fanfic, Bbye. P.s. Just a tip, never study at home w/ friends, Cannot concentrate AT ALL. Jasmine was fascinated yet scared w/ cooke ytd.
!11:00 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
So screwed up. Science sucked. I freaked out. Lost my sense of reasoning. It didn't even occur to me to measure the squares for the thing. So I could find the magnification. Damn damn damnnnnnnnnnnnnnz. So now I can only pin my hopes on the other subs. Okay, who the hell am I kidding? This exam overall is going to S-u-c-k with a capital S. Sheesh man. So pissed over it. And the fact that its so fucking hot makes matters worst. I'm never in a good mood on a hot day. Just save the hot sun for Friday, pleaseeeeeeeee? Let it rain rain and rain from tdy to Thurs. :D Molin was totally screwed. Shouldn't have gone in the first place. They teach REDUNDANT stuff. And that Joshua is sucha goody-two. He was like, 'I realise the people in your class talk in english instead of chinese. In my class we all have to talk chinese or else we'll have to chao xie (HAHA. YOU GET AHBER.)' to the teacher and blah blah blah on how she's got a right to scold us. HA. I'd like to see her try. Oh yes, click on Ahber's name. Not sure if it's her real friendster or what but wtv. Damn you la. Piss off. Wouldn't it be cool if it snowed in SG? FUN FUN FUN. I wouldn't mind a hurricane or anything. :D I am so missing HK now. It's usually dead-assed cold in Nov-Dec.
!11:21 AM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
That's it. My math is going to go down down down, to the bottom of the sea and plunge so badly even poo revolts it. D: Don't know what got into me. Freaked in the middle of the exam. Changed an answer that was actually correct at first. Damn damn damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnz. And I did the volume question cos I didn't want to do number patterns. God, I pray to you, PLEASE ENSURE THAT I GOT ALL OF THE ANSWERS CORRECT. At least for Section B. And if they're wrong, destroy the answer sheet in flames. Please please. Pleeeeeeeeeeese. Amen. Okay, enough of praying. Jasmine came over to study. We did, study a bit. Talked about kindegarten. Ate lunch. Played w/ Cookie. Watched CSI! It seems to be the only thing worth living for on TV now. Okay, need to go sleep now. Must sleep. Bbye.
!10:00 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Oy! Close your mouth.
My dad called me from his work, asking me which iPod I want and what colour. He reminded me of Jasmine's dad for some reason. Only her's was about a supplementary card. Mine's about something way more important! Him: But if I bought it your mother will kill me. Me: I know, but not me what. Him: Oy! So what colour you want? Me: I dno. It looks ugly. Him: If you see it upclose it looks nice. Me: Oh. Him: What about iPod touch? Me: Only one color. Him: Yeah. How about iPod nano? Me: I said it looks ugly. What about iPod classic? Him: No, that's too big. Me: But it's capacity is huge. Him: Oh well. But even if I buy it it'll be for me. Me: OY! Him: Oy! me for what. Okay, got to go back to work now. Bye. Me: -stares blankly at the phone before jabbing the off button- Seriously. Which dad will call their daughter (who was doing math stuff for the ever-imporant EXAMS) from work just to ask them on which iPod they want then later tell them it'll be for themselves anyway? Okay, mine would. Sheezers! I mean, look at the choices! Seriously people, let's think! Okay, let's get back to tdy. Horrible thing. I didn't exactly know what I was doing. Just writing. And writing. And being annoyed by Mr. Haw who peered over my shoulder reading my answers a few times. 'Excuse me but I don't like middle-aged men with receding hair to hover and read my answers very much, thank you.' Eric cheateeeeeeed! Haha, he wrote his last blank of words after Mr Haw said to stop. Gwen's got loads of free time during exams. My seat is so absurdly hot. No fan. No window-accesible route. D: Positively roastful in there. Oh well. The more exams over, the happier I am. I like this old song. Teenagers. Haha, yes. I suddenly found it cute. Oh wellz. Time to go back to doing algebra or something. D:
!2:00 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Make a citizen outta you.
Harloz. I screwed up my History test. (THANKS JASMINE.) She told me no hyphen thus I didn't put a hyphen, which will minus maybe an entire mark? Okay, don't care much. At least History's over. Only left Geog and maybe Science to worry about. Or maybe Lit. Dno. Studying Lit with Jas on Sunday. But this time I won't listen to anything she says, now will I? HA-HA. Went for Macs. Yumyum. But I was so full I skipped lunch. So un-like me. BUt whatever, didn't really feel like eating. Watched Harry Potty #2. Can't find the #3/#4 movie DVD. D: I think I lost it. Oh well. Time to get Daddy to go buy it. Okay, I don't know what's wrong with me and whats the cause for my sudden HP obsession. Oh well. The book was nice. OH YES, I know now. Cos I got Alvin to buy me the 7th book and thus I got hooked onto it. How interesting. Stubbed my toe just now. Actually its like the ball of my feet. The one right under my big toe. Ouch ouch ouch. A bruise there now, actually. And the whole thing went numb. Damn. -sigh- Talking to Jasmine is actually very nice. We sat at Macs from 10-12 talking about random stuff. And there were loads of TKG people. All talking and laughing and... Well, laughing somemore. Except for Sze Pui. Saw her, but she's all alone, as usual. She's always been a loner, during primary school. Anyhoo. I walked back home! :D Don't know why. I think it's cos I didn't want to wait for the bus. 16 takes a long time to come. So anyhoo. Mommy bought eclaires and stuff. Then I pissed her off without meaning to. Sheesh man. Study study study. Lter got tuition. Damn. Sigh. Damn x2. Bbye people. Have fun mugging. (Hur-Har, yeah right.)
!4:59 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
bloody comp.
I have no idea why but my computer's internet speed is pissifyingly slow. Like, S-L-O-W. Sheesh. Okay, I think its rioting against me so that I'd study. Singapore History is actually a lot easier than the other textbook. Dno why, tho. All very messy notes and stuff. Sigh, okay, lets talk about ytd! I left my mac on for the entire time I was out. Like, I didn't make it to stand-by mode. Maybe thats why the thing's so fried now. Okay, should go off it later. Anyhoo. Went to Kiwi's house (I TOOK THE BUS THERE! BY MYSELF! FIRST TIME! SO PROUD OF ME.) Studied. A bit. Okay, we couldn't exactly study cos we were all distracted and tired and stuff. Well, it was fun. By the time I got back home I still ahd to bathe and everythng and I was tired like fucking shit. Oh wellz. Ate sushi. Yumyum. School was horrid. D: I don't like the compo stuff. Like, on Wed we read those compos from other schools? Like those really nice ones? Yeah. There were about 5 of them that had the title: GETTING AHEAD, which was one of the titles in our compo selection but I didn't really read ANY of them. DAMN DAMN DAMN. -Screams like a lunatic- Shall go calm myself w/ chocolate. Bbye :B
!12:28 PM