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Saturday, August 25, 2007
bite your lips and close your eyes

Oral was, surprisingly, good. Well, I didn't really know where to go. What time, I also didn't know.

But anyway, I smsed Gwen, Afiq and Min. And only Gwen replied. (Voice dripping with sarcasm)What lovely friends I have. (Kidding about the sarcasm, 'cos they're all really super nice. And friendly. :D)

Then anyway, Aijing hates me again. So weird eh she.

Anyway, zooming to oral. Ms Nah said that she gave me the higest mark so picture description (so far, and it might change, 'cos I'm in the first batch D:) And that I need to read louder.

Wth, everyone (okay, some that I asked) says that my voice is actually quite loud. Must be her cats' (18 of them, I've heard) fur clog up her ears or something.

:O Wouldn't that be scary.

Gen not going dance tdy. Aw. Ditch me sia! Aw. Feelings kena hurt. So getting Kiwi to come over first, then if she's going street jazz then I can teach her the dance steps, then we can learn the last 2 Eights.

But Kiwi haven't reply yet. If I know her well enough... She's most probably still sleeping. Yes, most probably. Somehow I wake up a lot earlier than her. At all our sleepovers I always wake up first.

Oh wellz. Can it just rain for fuck's sake? Okay, let's follow Jasmine's method and go pray for it to rain. I'm considering going to one of my friend's church on Sunday. If it's allowed la. Rain rain, come again, or I'm going to scream.

So hot eh. Wl. Ranting about random stuff. I realise I'm getting used to starving myself. Scary. Better start stop starving myself!

But ytd we mised recess D: Aw. Cos of bloody SAIL task. I thought got TLLM then no SAIL? So f'ed up eh. But we did some stuff. Like throw stuff around and stuff. You know. Stuff.

Okay, I'm not making sense. Ah, Kiwi, please wake up and read my sms! Ah, I love her a lot you know? She's so damn cute. And damn blur also.

!8:42 AM