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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
i'm just so addicted,

I check the T&K web everyday, just to make sure the BK shirt is there. Yes, I'm obsessive. Like last time we went to the Fila thing? Warehouse thing, and I found this very very nice bag. But mommy didn't allow me to get it, so I buried it under a pile of clothes. If I can't have it, nobody else can.

But no, I only live by this... er, principal while shopping. Just to make sure I don't freak anybody out.

Tuition was boring. Math all the way. Did percentages again. And Heng Li was in the other room. Eeewz.

Yayzers, Kiwi agrees to go Reggae. But we don't know where to go eh. And taekwondo. Funness. Reggae reggae reggae.


But yayzers, I think I found my 110% Bf :D
!8:08 PM