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Monday, August 20, 2007
straws in red,

Am I pathetic or what?

I had to drink my cold soup using a straw. And the bleeding still hasn't stopped. It isn't so pain now, though. Either those are some good painkillers, or lying on the sofa for an hour wallowing in self-pity helps.

Now I am waiting for my second bowl of soup to cool, so I can drink it 1/2 hr later, when I need to change the gauze again.

Great. How great. From 3pm-now, I only have a bowl of soup in my tummy.

Daddy called twice, making sure I'm okay. Very sweet gesture, only that I can't talk. I bite on the gauze while talking. I am going nuts.

They should have this channel, where you can choose all you favourite TV shows and they show there. That way, I'll be CSI-Suite Life-Psych happy and contented. TV really does help expel negativity. So long as trashy shows stay away.

And Zac Efron is so gay. Ew. Do check the bored blog. I'm bored. Sigh. ):
!9:04 PM