Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
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Credits | you have my thanks

Monday, August 20, 2007
as her lips bleed red,

my mouth is still numb. and the bleeding hasnt stopped.

the whole process wasnt pain. the injection was actually funny cos i couldn't feel a thing, the extraction also. but the aftermath (now.) is hurting like shit.

shit shit shit. i want to cry. i want to scream. scream scream scream. but it will make things worse. so much worse.

god hates me. or does he?

i dont know. all i know is that i want that bloody pain in my mouth to go away. i wrote my will. i sent it to gen. i'm not really talking in sense now. i feel like sleeping. for a long time.

the hurts more on the left. cos there was more anaesthesia there. i really really fucking want to die. okay, not really. i just want to sleep, and when i wake up, the pain is gone.

and not only my lips are numb. so is my nose. and my left cheek. i really want to cry or something. just make that damned pain go away. ):
!7:12 PM