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Thursday, August 23, 2007
my teeth really hurt,

Okay, it's getting almost unbearable. I wish I extraced teeth from the bottom teeth line as well, cos my upper teeth all don't hurt cos there's a hallulah of space cos I extracted. It hurts, hurts, hurts!

Ohmygoz, damn it. Okay, let's not focus about it. I just finished baking apple crumble. I'm going to try sleep early again tonight. And it looks/sounds like its going to rain! Yayzers.

I can smell the apple crumble already, yum. And if I eat it hot my braces won't hurt so much right? I need to do pushups.

Okay, fuck, it really really hurts. I don't want to go choir tomorrow. So boring. And have to elect SLs and whatnot.

I feel like making a blogskin but I have no idea what to make it about. Ugh. I need to do somethingggg.... productive! Weirdo.

So tired.
!8:51 PM