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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
apple mumbooz.

She's like, pretty. Very.

The bleeding's subsided and I can no longer taste blood in my mouth. Yayzers.

Tdy was funny. I grossed people out with my teeth holez. Getting braces on Thursdayz :D Tmr there's a study thing in the libs.

I crave for apple crumble. But I don't think got enough time to make. Sigh. Another time then. Marks are mostly depressing though. Have to study. Yes. Sadly. Food is still strained. I need to lose weight.

Jasmine has agreed to go jogging already, and so, I'm going to amp up dance lessons. But there's not much to dance on weekends. Sigh. And SC has no vacant spots right now. Sigh. I have to think it over.
!3:42 PM