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Friday, December 7, 2007
Well it's hard to live in the city

I. Am. Bored.

Out of my wits. Brains. Whatever. I refuse to turn to Math. Because I hate the sums and I didn't want to ask Uncle about it. And I'm too lazy to get up on my ass and clear out my wardrobe, or go down and laze about, even though it looks like it's going to rain. On that note; YAY. It's been so bloody hot the entire day, a downpour would be much appreciated.

Okay, wait, now it's raining like shittybits. Except that the Sun is still there. I want it to be gray like ytd. That was nice. Okay, seriously bored. And I only just finished my lunch. KBGUEGOEUFHO.
!2:57 PM