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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Well how about never?

Suddenly I feel like a kid. Maybe when I was about 6. I don't know. I just do. And on the drive back home I suddenly realised Britney Spears' CD was the first I ever bought. In fact it was her songs that actually started to get me listening to pop. Weird, really, to think of this and look at her now. Really, look at her:

Image from OhNoTheyD!dn't

She looks stupid, if you ask me. Well, since she is, I don't think it's shocking. Then again she seems imcapable of taking a nice picture these days. Observe:

Image from GoBritney
Dumb. You'd think she'd have enough sense that the sight of her can scare anybody on Halloween. And that her cami straps were falling. But no, she doesn't and didn't know. Rolls eyes.

Why am I even blogging about her, I have no idea. Bored and bored. And my shoulder is killing me. Toodledoo.
!12:44 AM