Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Push up on me

ASOS HAS NICE CLOTHES! No, really, I want to shop there. So bored. Really. Kiwi can't come over to teach me the dance. I need new stuff. Bought a nice bag and a shirt for me yesterday, but hohoho, THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!

Okay, daily dose of CSI is coming up soon, I think. I hope. IT MUST COME!!!!!! Okay, yes, I need pills for PMS control. HA. And maybe apetite supressant pills as well. Yes, I should ask them from my doctor soon. haha. Yayay. So utterly bored to tears. Talking to Gwen on msn now. Ughughguhg. Why is the sun so hottttt. It should rain today. Not yesterday. I think clouds are stupid.
!12:04 PM