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Monday, December 3, 2007
Bikes and 45 Degree turns.

I'm currently at Kiwi's house. Been here since 12, and now it's abouttttttttttttt... 2.30! Yup. We were retarded so we played Audition for a while (i know, so OMFG.) then we went to the park. Cycled there. And I cannot turn. I have this gigantic phobia of falling off my bike and scraping my knee. I had a VERY bad scraped knee incident, so I'm naturally paranoid.

All righty then, after a few tries I managed it. Played on the swings, competed who could swing higher. Did a bit of monkeybar. And the see-saw. Hurt my ass like shit cos I kept bouncing. Uhhuh. Camwhored with flowers! \And a white wall.

Off to eat. Highlighting my hair. Let's all go shock Jo if I see her tdy. Bbyeeeeeeeeee!
!2:25 PM