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Thursday, August 2, 2007


i was like, saying it for a joke and she CAME ;D and she so cute la. like, i was talking and talking while she ate the apple crumble then she kept laughing and she looked as if she had no idea how to eat it.

anywayz, yeah, we talked and laughed and talked and she sort of spit out some apple crumble. she says its nicey. ;D

then it was time to go D; so i walked her to the road in hopes of getting a taxi. nope. all taken or just zipped past us. then we waited there. and then i got bitten by mosquitoes a dozen times over. bite bite bite. like its some all-you-can-suck buffet.


got a taxi eventually. she jumped in. i said goodbye. and told her to sms when she got home.... which she didnt.

and their present was a MYUK thing. 'myuk says no to EMOO'


cuteness. and i felt a lot better, you know. talking to ting and all. but i still feel a tad bit of emo. and then kiwi cant go tmr!

zz. damned choir.

then gen cannot sleepoever.

also cos of choir.

zzz. EVERYTHING COS OF CHOIRchoirChOiR, choir is the ROOT of all evil. >;[

but i seriously wna go out manz. GO GO GO? ;o
!7:38 PM