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Thursday, August 2, 2007
power doughnut!

yayzers. we get a new rabbit ;D

like, me, gwen, jasmine and i think debbie too. i repeat YAYZERS. cos it is very very cute. like, small and brown and a twitchy nose. and we bought it during c.e. and were like, totally exhilirated by what had just happened.


gwen: i cant believe we just bought a rabbit
jasmine: me neither~
me: haha, during c.e. somemore!

and i hate to admit this but i am getting materialistic (mommy wins) cos like, gwen and jasmine arent getting me anything, and when they told me i felt sad for no reason.


okay, so spastic of me to, i know. today was another tiring day. maybe i'l sleep at 8 or something. bloody hell tired. and im so lame. i went home to make apple crumble. zz. but i liked the crumb a hell lot, so yeah. figures. and i added a lot of sugar too, cos i craved for something sweet.

and im still feeling left out. a hell lot. sometimes, anywayz. like im not really needed, with the addition of debbie into the group and stuff. zz. im like, over-thinking again.

but to make myself happy, i shall give a recount on yesterday's funnest thing!



it was like, so fun. the trip there i was left with no seat cos jasmine sat with gwen. OH WELLZ. we zipped to mango then tried on the first dress.

and it was so cute, gwen got into the cubicle with me so jasmine was left outside. then jasmine kept banging on the door to hurry me up but i seriously didnt know how to wear the flipping thing. like, it was very weird, the zips and stuff.

and it was something gwen chose, which was surprisingly cute. haha. okay, zz.

then like, i couldnt zip it. cos theres always this bloody problem with the zip (its at the side) and it kept getting stuck. so gwen was like, 'suck it in crystal! i cant help you if you dont cooperate!'


it was so funny cos the whole thing was in a whirl and a total rush. then tada, jasmine got in the cubicle (and by this time it was really squishy) then they made me take out my hairtie and everything

(and to be honest, i was REALLY going to the ASEAN in a ponytail and everything. haha, jasmien will die manz)

then i loked half-decent but that dress wasnt very promy. so we went out to get the one that cuaght my eye a few days ago.

and this one the zip got stuck too. then jasmine tried on something, like, this tube top. then when she got out of the cubicle gwen locked her in. and it was so fucking funny la.

all this is Isetan.

so funny manz. the bronze thingy dress looked the most promy, according to jasmine, but mommy was a total no-go on it. zz. now im trying to convince her to let me buy another dress.

but yeah, i ahd to go and stuffz.

and somehow i feel that tmr is gna be the worst birthday ever.


maybe cos the guy i like[d?] is gna ask another girl to be his gf on my birthday?
maybe i feel left out and not needed and emo like keith at school?
maybe cos my mommy refuses to let me buy another dress?
maybe cos i have really bad karma and is having rotten luck?

maybe its all of the above?
!5:23 PM