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Monday, July 30, 2007
my teeth are hurting like there's no tomorrow,

Yeah, went dentist tdy ;D

Happy fact is that I'm putting on braces on the 21st of Aug. Could have been earlier, but, I think there's some clash in schedule or something. sad fact is that my teeth hurt. Anyhoo, getting my teeth bands on the next appointment, then i extract, then BRACES;D


uhhuh. but what really irks me is that there was this bloody arse with half a brain who stole our parking lot. like mommy drove from the left, then he drove in from the right and we both spotted the lot at the same time, but mommy turned on her lights first right...

HE STILL PARKED IT. then mommy was like, muttering something under her breath. ;O

but anywayz, we found a parking lot closer to the lifts and stuff. HA, IN YOUR FACE, LOSER >:]

but no time to shop! we had to eat really quickly and then go dentist. and there was this gay looking guy who looked at me really weirdly. hes from one of those schools near SC. you know, like ACS and stuff. zz.

had to take xrays and everything. and like, i saw the xray of my teeth and saw my WISDOM TOOTH! teeth, actually. but anyways, he inserted like, 2 bands (y'know the type you put for braces?) between my teeth, to 'make space' and so now it hurts like anything.

and ive been chewing on porkchop since dinner. like, so that it doesnt hurt so much. and i did math to get my mind off it. doesnt really work. but whatever, at least i did math.

and Home Ec. was tdy! i would have sounded happier, but i am stuck with theee most worst home ec. partner ever!


like, i may like alvin a lottys, but trust me, he's the worst home ec. partner eveer! he doesnt even know how to cut the apple core. and he dropped it on the floor.

and the worst part?

he forgot to tell me and DIDNt throw the damned apple piece away.

but it was still fun and everything. but i hate the boys of our class. vultures, really. and huge, idiotic, indignant, ego-istic, total huge assholes.

okay, not all of them. but those whom im talking about are those who...

rtook alvin's crumble without even sparing a thought for the poor guy, they finished it (even the one without ANY fruit filling) and leaving him less than half to eat.

r-ate anthony's without his permission. assholes.

r-tried to get more when he's eaten a hell lot of it already

r-those who tried toe at when they have already gone through the Home Ec. part of the science talent. which, pinpoints to practically everybody becosso, we're the last group to do the Home Ec. part. so really, guys, bitch off.

ugh, assholes. utter, absolute assholes.

then today had Math class test right? i totally screwed the last question. so now i failed it. but gwen wrote this cheer up thing on the back of a Simpson's Movie postcard, which is so cute manz.

sheesh, my math sucks.
!7:12 PM