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Friday, August 17, 2007

i forgot to say, y'know the guys are always changing in the classroom?

tdy when jasmine and i were walking past the backdoor right, i just threw open the door, then jasmine was like, 'EE-AHH!' then somebody was like, 'FUCK, CLOSE THAT DOOR!'

so funny la. then we laughed like shit.

oh geezers! gen and i are chewing gum at the same time. so cool! i want my braces badly):

adelin is not going for tuition. zz. so bawring. (i said that with an accent)(i mean typed). and my arms are sore cos i sort of did dumbbell stuff just now.

Mdm So: If Johnathan's parents were to come to this class and ask where is he sitting, how will you say it?
Sunshine: Aiya, Mdm So, if Johnathan's parents came right, FOR SURE can see him!
Johnathan: Yeah, but they FOR SURE cannot see you, right?

then mrs ang was evaluating some people in the class. Which made Jasmine very worried about her marks. Sighz.

I want Braces, I want Braces. PLease Please Please.
!6:09 PM