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Friday, September 21, 2007
so you invade my sleep to confuse my dreams

Paramore songs are nice. Okay, anyway, school was school. I am getting more and more tired, even tho I slept way earlier than I ever had in this entire week last night.

Anyhoo, oral was totally suckish. I kept umming and she kept asking me questions. Oh well. English was so much more easier. Then when she asked me if I had anymore to say, I just anyhow say la. She seemed disappointed w/ my answer.

Haha, who cares.

Anyway, Dad just got back from HK. And he bought the HP books! And they did cost an awful lot. Haha. But hardcover is co much better than paperback. :D

Tuition was boring. I'm so gna quit it man! Yup. Then Adelin and I were being temperamental and pissed the teacher of muchlys. How fun.

Okay, I realised I laughed a lot at tuition than I had in the entire week. I think I'm pmsing like shiet. It came tdy in school and I got rly pissed.

Baseball was okay la. Bloody tard of a bitch told Anthony to 'throw harder' and I could ahve still batted. I only got 1 strike. Ughz. Then in the middle of the game it popped and I was like shit. So I got Nadira to go w/ me to the loo to go fix it.

Yey her! (:
!6:13 PM