Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
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Credits | you have my thanks

Thursday, September 13, 2007
hot guy hot guy, i see a hot guy!

He's a blond, looks my age, and has nice eyes. I introduce you to Simon. His name isn't that nice. A bit faggoty. His brother as a nicer name : LEO> :D His sister's Hannah.

Oh well. He didn't take much notice of me anyway. I want to join THIS class. :D THIS CLASS. Oh, I got my black tape alr. And I had to do it in front of the group which has yellow stripes and yellow belt.

BY MYSELF. I was the only pure white belt there. So ugh man. When he said, 'Do the pattern.' then I was like, 'Huh?' and he demo-ed the first part.

Like, kids younger than me are of a higher grade. AGH. But they are pro la. I kept getting confused w/ stuff. And when I was walking back this bungla kept walking damn near to me and I was practically walk-running already. Zz.
!7:51 PM