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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
life's so sad,

Tdy (did I blog about tdy yet? I think I did. Anyhoo.) was a super-duper stressful day!

Like, first I had to deal w/ the fact I did wrong math thing. SO had to rush. Then realised I didn't do science shiz, so stood outside of the classroom. Shutong pulled back the curtains twice to say hi. I said hi back twice. Jevon acted really gay.

And was laughing weirdly. Keith talked about how wrong Mrs Ang's head was proportio-ized w/ her body. Apparently her head looked too small. And her body was too long.

"Why are you looking at her head, of all things?"

He said it was obvious. Like how her head looked longer now cos of her hair.

Then when we discussed Badai (and what a gay he is, according to G, and to me, what an asshole) I told him his head was huge cos it blocked my view all the time. Then it was his turn to ask me the question, but see, it IS obvious cos he DOES block my view like, 80% of the time I need to copy something from the board.

And it occured to me if I ever had kids, I'll definitely be the jealous parent. I'm so... aghfahsjku when I don't get enough sleep man!

TLLM sucks.
!9:41 PM