Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
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Credits | you have my thanks

Thursday, September 13, 2007
i hate the bloody weather

I hate it. Its so hot. I have some bloody cold. Been sneezing all day long. Nose's been running. I really feel like dying. Maybe I'm sick again. Oh noz! Oh well. Better than during exams. Zz. I so feel like sleeping. D:

And CE was okay. I just don't get your biz, its been so long, the WC thing and you guys are STILL talking about it. Its pretty annoying you know. Yeah, keep reminding me I made a farce of myself and making a very very veeeeeery bad choice. Thank you for reminders, I won't make the mistake again. So shut up about it, pretty please.
!3:40 PM