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Friday, September 7, 2007
cheese and chocolate.

Alvin came over and we made a horrible disaster out of the stuff. Like, the crostini sucks cos the bread I bought was way too soft. I shoulda've gone to Four Leaves or something.

So in the end, we ended up using the normal bread. And it didn't look like anything on the picture (from what I can remember anyway) and we DIDN'T take a picture of the final product, which was really stupid, cos we needed to. And I only remembered to AFTER we ate almost all or most of it.

Then the cookies was more fun. But we added too much butter. Not enough flour. Way too much icing sugar. So the outcome smelled like how its supposed to smell like, just... Flat. Candy-like.

Oh wellz. Pictures... Haha, Alvin, DIE MAN! :D
!5:43 PM