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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
ah girl, don't cry, Maria come sayang you okay?

Okay, the chinese camp was a total load of bullll. And was damn boring. Like, the only chinese-related thing was the chengyu thing, and we didn't even learn a little bullsphat.

But then we had the skit thing. It was weird, cos we had to advertise a baby who wouldn't stop crying.

AND SHI DE WAS THE MOMMY. Haha, cos Evelyn (I hope I spelled it right) and I saw his position (elbows propped, legs spread open and bent at 90 degrees) and we decided that he can be the mother. :D

Anthony was the daddy. Yup. Evelyn's my new friend! And she has braces too!

But my part's damn spastic, I don't know what I was thinking but I volunteered to be the maid. I seriously was kok when I said 'I BE!' And poor Yan Li! Just when he was about to go and narrate, Shi De already started pushing the baby out.

Then he didn't want the nurse to come help him at first, so he initially wanted to roll off the table after he gave birth. Which was pretty funny.

Making a Lj now. Sigh. Bored.

Kaikiat told me Edwin got very excited when I said, 'Ah girl, don't cry anymore, Maria come sayang you okay?' (Maid's name was Maria). Haha, EDWIN, YOU'RE SO CUTE!

When I had lunch w/ them right, then I asked Edwin what was his PSLE score he just looked at his food and kept very quiet. It's like talking to a little kid man.

And Yan Li is actually a very nice person to talk to. Sad to see him go for Art School next year. D:
!8:49 PM