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Sunday, September 2, 2007
playing w/ water

Okay, CC is definitely a cross of boring and stuff la. Cos they games are actually damn fun. We run around like crazy and everything. Then yeah, Yunhi wore funny socks tdy. Haha.

Anyway, we just kept thinking about eating, so we were calling each other pig and then we were dying for lunch/dinner break.

Then we had the funny stuff ytd, also. About the expert thing. Yeah, very cute. I'm like damn tired even though all I did was sit down and wonder about what time it was.


Haha, we laughed a lot la. Then the pairwork was funny. Like, we had to tell a story then the person will tell you to zoom in on a word, that you ahve to explain. And I ws making things very difficult for Yunhi. Cos she got nothing else to explain but I still never say continue.

Then mine was like, 'okay, zoom in on fuck.'
'Oh, fuck is another term for sex. But it's labelled as vulgar, so kids aren't allowed to say it, but I don't care. And I bet its something Yunhi would love to try with all her friends. I suppose it's nice, no idea. Don't care either.'

But I was really just talking w/out thinking cos I was damn cold. Yeah.

Then we were laughing when they go say something, then she was like, 'get hardcore on your computer.' We laughed too much, I think. Cos Raymond kept giving us funny looks.

And his handwriting like my Dad's ey. Like, very grown-up type. And he's only Sec 2 eh. We all thought he was like, Sec 4 or something. So when I told him that he was like, 'oh.' Then I added, 'you look too old already la.'

He said he likes it when people say that, so I told him you're welcome and he gave me an even weirder look. Oh well. He's fun to annoy.

Cos like, I didn't want to drink my water anymore, then I used my straw and dripped some on his jacket. Kept doing it. Then later when we turn around he told me if he went to get water I'm going to be dead. Aw, so sweet right!

Yeah, but he is fun to annoy la. I think I pissed him off. Okay, the actual thing was okay la. Presentation, I mean. Front part is boring. Realised Keith is quite hot.

Ew, no, not TK one. Not my mindchamps class one either. That one is damn blur. I said hi to him at the vending machine and the first thing he said was 'HAH?' in that very blur way. Too blur for me already la.


Yeah. He is hot la. Damn sweet also. He made this slide for his mommy. Damn touching la. -Tear tear- No la. I don't cry over these things. But it really is damn sweet.

Hah, I wanted to go tell him I find him hot. But I didn't cos he was talking to Melissa then walking around taking pictures and blah. So oh well. HIS LOSS! :D

Haha, okay. Time to go sleep. Damn tired man. D:
!10:20 PM