Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
Epistle | the post
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Credits | you have my thanks

Monday, September 3, 2007
Okay, so uberly stressed

My heading says it all. Damn stressed eh wl. Okay, got a lot of things to do. And TK won't stop playing gay classical music. Y'know, the type that IAN listens to ALL THE TIME. Ohmygod, its been playing nonstop for about an hour already! Agh.

Okay, I need to go get Mommy a birthday gift. Ah, her birthday's this thursday. So I can only go out w/ Gen and Kiwi after lunch. Oh wellz. Still nice. I've been a very bad daughter. D:

Okay, have to go tkd alone. So stupid eh. Min is m'sia, Kiwi cannot go. Wtf. Jasmine also cannot go (but she picked up her phone for ONCE!). Zzz. AGH, I need an overdose of CSI or something!
!11:38 AM