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Saturday, May 3, 2008
She's the girl with the cold black heart

Ah why is it not raining! Z. It is supposed to rain every day in Singapore! I don't care if it's sunny in one moment; IT ALWAYS RAINS THE NEXT. Really. The weather in Singapore is so f'ed up that there was this one time, we were driving in the car and it was raining. But the moment we went under a short-width bridge and came out, it was complete sunshine and sunny and whatever. What the hell is this, I ask you? Utter bullshit!

Woke up at 7:45; which sucks because I used to be able to sleep all the way till 12 in the noon. And I've been thinking a lot. Which is bad, because usuall if I don't think about stuff, they won't get worst. Like about / and -. It's like, all of us aren't as close anymore? / has her other friends, and well, - sometimes just doesn't care if you talk to her or not. Which just sucks.

Ah I miss Primary school. Not so much of the people (except for the close ones of course :>), but more of the stabilty of it. Oh, and the food. Yumyum. So much better than the Secondary school food. Like the noodles in primary school + chilli. Yumyum. Seriously yummy. And the curry with chicken rice. Oh, and they're much more hygienic than the food in TK. At least you won't see the vendors dropping money into the food or using their bare hands that has touched so much notes and coins to take food *AHEMtausarpaoAHEM* for you. Gross right.

Anyway. I digress.

Cin and I are going to bake versatile buttermilk muffins later. Luckily this recipe doesn't call for any butter, because we're all out! On a side note, I never knew Ian had a blog until today. Haha.
!10:59 AM