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Monday, April 28, 2008
Salty+Semi-Sour= Sweet??

I don't know why, but my pineapple always tastes nicer with salt. Like seriously. Unless the pinapple is like the one Mom bought last week (yum yum) then it's okay. But anyway.

Jasmine and I went to Parkway after school (Me: Popular to buy more cards and stupid Chengyu book that mysteriously disappeared*, Her: Buy food) and I walked shitloads. I kept checking my phone in Parkway cos usually Mommy will sms and offer to fetch me! And the SMS did come! BUT WAY TOO LATE. I was already at TK when she SMSed me. God it was f'ing hot.

YES YES YES. It's going to rain on Wednesday. I'd rather it tomorrow, but then, at least it's going to rain. I want to bake. Mommy bought all these baking pans yesterday, and I'm freaking tempted! I want to bake peanut butter cookies with peanut butter filling. Call me crazy, but peanut butter is like my one true love.
!8:29 PM