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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Can someone shoot me in the head

Dined at Carousel last night. Yum. I ate a bit of each but I think the cherry crumble was the nicest thing, besides the Pita bread. I LOVE THE FOCCA-SOMETHING BREAD. Mom said I shouldn't have eaten so much bread, because it fills you up quickly. But the bread was nice, albeit cold. They should leave a toaster there or something. Stained my black pants with Al Fredo sauce; the spaghetti guy was trying hard not to laugh.

Played with my Holga as well, and took lots of shots around, but what I really want are fun shots. But apparently I'm too busy this week, which I am. And I still have PW Poster and Pictures to do, and my science quiz.

Okay, I just zipped through the science quiz, but I did fairly bad. I wasn't really learning the stupid acids thing anyway.

Omg I can't wait for April 21st! New Gossip Girl season. :)

Agh Mel come online!
!7:53 PM