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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Cone-head cat

Cookie is positively livid with all 3 of us. Look at that cone thing! And she had to get 2 jabs, one for antibiotic, the other for vaccination.

Then we had to shave off some fur, and apply medicine on her. So basically she has an infection. An infection that needs 3 different types of pills to treat, along with some cream and powder.

And she's still licking the cone thing in pathetic attempts to get it off, even though I've told her a dozen times it'll still stay. Then she tried to go through the bars to look at the window, but the cone thing sort of blocked her, so she stalked off to sleep.

Silly cat, really, but isn't she prettyyyyyyyyyy? (although she looks like an idiot in the picture)
!9:38 PM