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Monday, February 4, 2008
There's such thing as karma, you know

Omg I hate flag day-in school. Like, some people give you the money readily (Cheryl, Ruth's sister almost gave us 6$ but we were like, you know, only kidding when we said minimum 5$ so yeah omg she's so gullible in a cute way!) but there are some people who just can't bear to part with a few cents to help the underprivileged. Some to go as far as to tell me, 'No, go away,' with a glare. I don't think I was wrong to say Fuck you when I turned around, but when Gwen reminded me they might come after me with parangs since that's what Mutts like them do, I had to rethink my impulsiveness of swearing. Ugh, feeling so horrible, throat sucks like crap and I had only 6 hours or sleep or something.

Gone to the doctors. Bye.
!7:39 PM