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Sunday, January 27, 2008
My cigarette that never lights

I love that line from Yuki Nohi's translation. Anyway, ballet was almost the bomb. Symone and I did the First Podebrá again cos Ms Tan said we did it really well and the both of us were like so nervous and were like, super wobbly.

Ytd dance was horrible cos I was just so tired that my mind was completely blank the entire way, but ballet was easier since I already know the steps. After ballet while waiting for Mom, Emelia and I were talking, and she laughed so so so freaking loud I swear the entire street could hear her!

Balding uncle in a karaoke suddenly stops singing as listens intently for a moment.
Balding uncle: -Turns to skank beside him- Eh, do you hear that or not?
Skank: Eh, yeah! It sounds like some crazy girl laughing like shit!

Yeah, I am so sure that happened somewhere along the entire road of pubs and wtv place you can find there.

Ah, Mel, cheer up k! She's the bitch, let's go tp her house or something!! :)

And I leave you with something very. um. educational! to watch!!!

!12:23 PM