Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just a classic case scenario

I have given up trying to study Geog. Screw Mr Teo. He has no bloody clue on what he's teaching; seriously. Eh, let's all sign this petition thing, then maybe we can change our teacher to Mrs Yeo or something. She really wasn't that bad of a teacher last year. Compared to Mr Teo.

Oh, Art was fun. Ian threw a temper because the teacher corrected him on some stuff, I guess. Haha, stupid fart. Teacher asked me about him and when I told her he was undergoing counselling she asked me if he was on medication. A very good suggestion, if you asked me.

Anyhoo. Tomorrow is going to be sucha nice day. Omg can't wait!
!3:32 PM