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Saturday, January 19, 2008
It's a driller nuh filler

Taekwondo grading was fun. Haha, I tell you, lots of small kids. And they are all so f'ing cute. Like, there was this boy, um, Damon, I think, sitting beside Min, and he looked so [hot]/ Seriously. I know, he's only like 7, or something but you can tell by his face that when he grows up he'll be a very very hot guy. His eyes are like the nicest eyes I've ever seen please! And he's mixed blood, I think.

And then when I noticed we still had our tape I was like, 'crap' to Min, then he held up his belt and waved it (his was all four colours on it) and its like, so endearing or something!!!!

HAHAOMG, okay, I have to go lunch and run for Hip Hop. Bye.
!12:35 PM