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Saturday, December 15, 2007
'Tis the season to be jolly

OHGOD. Ting! Jo! The two of you had better love your gifts. Cos they're the only two that I handmade. And for handmade gifts I've to say they're pretty nice. But the letter/cards themselves are inside so HAHA. Yeah. God. I've made a big mess while making.

Haha. Skipped hiphop/street jazz. But ballet was. Fun? Haha, guess so. Ms Chew had to keep reminding me to turn out my leg or something. Okay, have to go wrap the gifts now. I guess I'll be buying the rest cos it's like, so impromptu. GOD. I am such a klutz. I almost spilled the cup of water. HAHA. I already did that once tho!


Still haven't packed or anything yet,
!11:38 PM