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Monday, December 17, 2007
Hey mickey you're so fine,

This so rocks:

But one question: Why are most of their videos, if not all, half-porn flicks? Adam Levine seems to be the guy who gets all the action, all the time. Eh?

Oh well. Taekwondo! MIN! So sad you didn't go okay. Haha. Meet CG #3. And the funniest thing is that his name's like mine. Tada. The other instructor; Ah. what's his name. Okay, I dont know. But anyhoo. I was the only one who didn't need to do the entire pattern in front of everyone because I already GOT my black tape! Whee for me. Ha. And the. Ugh. let's call him Bob. Haha. Okay, Bob kept picking on me.

'Say, yes sir?.'
'Oh, yes sir?' -in a straight face thing-

Then from then on he kept picking on me. God. Damn annoying eh. Eh, JM, wish you were there!

To Jo: I lubbadubs you lodz.

Somehow talking to Jo relatively calms me. Kiwi also. Kiwi is damn cute, I tell you.
I finally packed! See! But only because Mom was getting on my nerves with her nagging. Mom IS getting on my nerves nowadays.

I had to rush to tkd cos I was late and it was raining and everything right. I needed the car THEN. But if I ahd walked back home then can talk to CG#3 what! UGHUGHUGH. Bbye.
!10:47 PM