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Sunday, November 11, 2007
With nowhere to go, it has come to an end.

[Ballet] Dance was miserable. I can't back out of the exam now, because I already paid, but if I quit after exam it'll really be a waste. Damn. But really. The only dance I can choose now is free movement because "my technique for classical isn't good enough" and as for "character, I don't look strong enough" but now even my "free movement doesn't look too good". So please, what other dance is left for me to do eh?

Left class feeling downright dejected. Right. But Street Jazz was nice. Brian told me it was getting 'okay' already [and I bet I looked like an idiot when I nodded because I was caught off-guard](which is something that is actually BIG for me because Brian never talks to me. About dance or anything else, for that matter.) and I was feeling all happy and everything but then I fumbled when I realised the people outside were looking in. So yeah. Well. It was a nice class.

Friday was. okay? Er. Walking to the MRT was fun. Sort of. I walked past the building site then the Bunglahhhhhh workers were looking. It is so weird how they seem to love to watch everybody that walks past them, really. Got killer gastric on the stupid MRT. And then at Mindchamps I was like, crouching over in the chair cos it really hurt and when I looked up there was this guy there and he looked at me funny. Damn.

Saw the dentist that extracted my tooth! Well, I didn't recognize him. At first. Mom told me who it was, so, yeah. HAHA.

Watched Victor, Victrola! Super duper nice. Loved the ending, tho.

Talked to Gen ytd. I'm glad I did, anyway. :)

I really really reallyyyyyyyyy want a polaroid cam. It would be nicey, to have one, seeeeee? Have yet to ask Dad about it, tho. The one G told me about on the net looks pretty, but I want a funny color one!

Alrighy, have badminton later w/ Jo+Ting+??. Bbye, m'lovelies.

P.S. Anybody knows what's up w/ the stupid Mac if it keeps 'not able to find the web'? I swear, Macs are screwed!
!11:02 AM