Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
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Credits | you have my thanks

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
And I'm still standing.

Me: Can you stop whining?
Zhimin: Then I'll moan.

Spoken on 31st Oct '07, approximately 7-7.30p.m.

Stupid git. Trust him to learn how to moan from his sir. And he didn't even know how to pronounce moan properly! Then he wrote it on a piece of paper and asked Matt how to pronounce it. Stupid or what?

And he still won't shut it about the monkey jokes. I really wish auntie wil just let us use Ally on him for once! Or twice. Or maybe a gazillion times. But really, his reaction was utterly priceless.

Took bus home. There were like a dozen malay people then some of them were smoking. Eegh. I will die an impassive smoker, if not by anything else, I'm sure of it. Even when we were jay walking they were still fooling around. Bus ride back home was nice. I should ride the bus back more often. Or maybe not.

Ha. Bbye.
!10:38 PM