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Monday, August 27, 2007
The sophomore slump is an uphill battle

No matter what, I still think King of the Dancehall is the nicest song I've heard for the week. But wordplay is nice too. Okay, I know, old song right? Heck it.

School was nice, I guess. IDD was so cool, and Gwen and I have yet to finish our story thing. Then I sat with them halfway during the thing, then Jasmine and Gwen both wrote on my arm eh! Like, my whole arm practically looked tattooed or something!

Then like, I had to try hide them and stuff. I have a princess on my right arm and a lighthouse emitting smoke on my left. And it was so ticklishhh!

So Gwen held down my arm while Jasmine drew. And then we knocked heads cos my head kept swinging everywhere.

After school I had to go see TLLM thing at 2.30 and Gwen fall in at 2.45 so we went to my house to raid the fridge for a bit first. Fun.

Then we headed to libs. JASMINE WAS LATE AN HOUR. Whoa man, I totally get the 'I'll be a bit late' part!

Haha, yeah. Then after libs went taekwondo. Kiwi couldn't go, which was such a pity cos I got to kick the guy's groin (twice, by accident)(and of course he was holding the thingy). Which was fun, really. But Jasmine says she don't want to continue eh. Wl. D:

But we went to Min's house to use the gym. Jo wasn't home so I couldn't say hi. D: But the gym seriously was fun. MIN! I WANT TO BE YOUR PENTHOUSE NEIGHBOURRRRR! >:[

Then Jasmine came over for dinner (and the meat). Haha, bus took damn long to come man.

Sigh, Friday might not be as fun cos I gotta leave early for CC! Grr. Somemore right, I realise Derek might be there, seeing as he's on the assist team and such. Oh no!

But good thing is Yunhi, Clara and Jeanette will be there! Yayzers. Am happy. People who ditch me and forget to tell until I smsed them that morning can just go screw off or something.

I know, very silly thing to get angry over.

To you: But I am hurt, y'know. Thanks a lot. Not. -sticks tongue out at you-

Ah, noooz, I don't want to take her off the featured friends but I can't put her as the 6th one. Ah, damn it.

My braces are really hurting, and I think I got my middle fingernail inflamed or something, cos I cut it too deep. And it's really hurting.

And I have to chaoxie eh! So lame.Then everyone keep asking for chinese compo paper then I ran out. -.-! So lame eh. Okay, tomorrow muz buy. Bye. Time to go finish up Ting's blogskin. :D
!8:26 PM