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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Clara not going for this CC. So sad. I think Jeanette won't either. Aw. Have yet to chaoxie. Tuition is getting more and more boring eh. Wl. And Zhimin came totally late. the thing end at 7.30 he come at 7.30.

Oh my goz. Okay, Cookie is scary. Sigh sigh sigh. Confident Communicator (I think) is going to be a total snooze fest! But I think J and D aren't going to be thereeee! YAYZERS.

ESP. ON THE D PART. So awkward.

Him: Hi!
(I put him as first cos I know I'm going to avoid him at all costs)
Me: Hi!
Him: So how hve you been?
Me: Oh, fine. You?'
Him: Great.

-awkward silence with crickets and whatnot sounds-

Him: So... Nice weather we're having....

Yup, THAT awkward. Time to go chaoxiezxz!
!8:51 PM