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Monday, July 23, 2007
i'm on the outside looking in,

okay, today i felt a tad left out. okay, maybe not a tad. i dno. i think my monthly friend is coming so maybe i'm like, pms-ing?/ i have no flipping clue.

but yeah, outside looking in. thats some song, i think. but anyhoo, today really sucked cos everything seemed really screwed and im thinking of asking my mom to keep my mac so i might be on a hiatus soon.

so anyway, tdy we had the usual stuff. and i actually got 27 on my chinese test which i sort of flipped through and scribbled and then folded the paper into some weird thing. wow. yay me:D

i wna buy a plain canvas shoe and draw on it. wouldn't that be fun? okay, yeah. i realise parkway's like this plapce where most tk people hang out. and i see loads of couples. i want a boy too): omg, i sound despo. okay, maybe i am. not.

like, im going to start prioritisdfufh and stuff. and boys arent going to be the top 3. more of, top 10. yeah. i mean, world without boys would be boring. seriously. then today kaikiat was so flipping cute.

kk: eh alvin, what do you say to the person who wants to touch your dick?
alvin: um, go away?
kk: nooo! its EY! dont touch my brudder ah!

haha, hes so cute can! then gwen, alvin and i were walking up the stairs after physics then kk was like, 'GAH, alvin getting raped by two girls!'

but we pissed ian (wei'en) majorly off so he got damned pissed. then he stalked off. but srsly, he was pissing me off, taunting debbie like that.

'so do you have a story yet? huh? huh? huh?'

i'll tell YOU a story, you faggoty short fart. ms lim asked who played catch? well, im pretty sure the only time you played catch was when somebody was chasing after you to chop that imbecile head of yours off.

'NOooooOooOoOoOo~ MOMMY!!'

i hate you and you and you, Ian Tan Wei'En.

spent most of physics searching on google. haha, searching for stuff. totally irrelevant to physics. but whatever, i had fun.

i feel disconnected somehow. okay, dinner time. bye.
!6:42 PM