Journal | listen up, 'yo
Profile | jezebel
Wishlist | the coveted
Affiliations | just radical
Epistle | the post
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Credits | you have my thanks

Monday, April 7, 2008

I realise I haven't listened to my usual playlist for a long time. I like Mr. Brightside.

What isn't on the brightside, though, is K****. Bloody fuckface, who do you think you are to spread such rumours. It's no wonder you got kicked out of CCHMS. Or maybe you decided to change school because you lost your credibility due to your inane lies. So maybe that's why you kicked up a fuss about discrimination right! So that the school will kick you out. I wouldn't be surprised if this year you picked on another one to get kicked out of this school cos nobody here will believe you anymore. Too bad most of the foreign students here are way taller than you, which isn't very difficult to begin with, seeing as you are THAT short (I bet if Ian has a growth spurt this June, you will be the shortest guy in class), so good luck in finding one that you can punch and call names AND get away with, but I really do hope you'll get a black eye or two, a knee-up in the balls, if possible, when you do. Because, really, that's what perverted freaks like you deserve.
!7:27 PM