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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Shed all your skin

Beautiful song, really.

Okay, first day of school. Tired tired tired, but it was fun. So now I'm situated between Gwen and Jasmine, but this time it's like an L shape. Ms Toh is. Uh. Sarcastic, I suppose, and Jas said that we get all girly teachers, when Ms Toh said she liked pink. Or else what do you expect? She-man teachers? :OOOO

Anyhooz. I love my prezzers from both of em! HAHA YAY LIKE FINALLY I GET SOMETHING TINKERBELL and Gwen got me the book! THE VAMPIRE BOOK THING. I read the third installment of the series but I think she got me the first 2 so yup, yay, haha. :D

Can't believe curriculum (sp.?) starts tmr. Sad face x293820183029. Why can't there be no schooollllllio?
!3:19 PM